Restasis | Arthritis Information



    Hello All,

  Just a quick question.  The ones here using Restasis, do you also use over the counter eye drops like refresh.  My eyes still get dry out during the day.


I have dry eye syndrome, not sure it is because of RA but I do use Refresh now.  I did try Retasis but it made my eyes burn...They still feel a little dry from time to time but with the Refresh you can use a little more often, when needed. 
Have a nice day.

I was recently diagnosised with "Dry Eye" myself. I spoke with my RD at my routine appointment on Tuesday of this week and he said he had little doubt it was due to RA. It's very common in people with RA. Inflamation in the eyes.

I just use refresh drops as well. I don't feel the dryness myself; that's why I had a hard time beleiveing what they were telling me. I do however have very cloudy or foggy vision on occations. That's what lead me to the doctor to begin with.

Hope yours improves.


Several months ago started having eye pain, red eyes and a gritty feeling in my eyes.  Eye DR said dry eyes and prescribed Restasis.  Helps some but not totally.  Eyes are painful and hurt at the end of every day.  One more thing to ask my DR about when I see her!