who’s exhausted? | Arthritis Information


Despite recently increasing my methotrexate from 4 to 6 pills a week (2 weeks ago), I am not doing well. My husband and son wake me up at 11:00 am every morning and I still feel like I could sleep all day. I feel so far beyond exhausted that I can't even think of a proper word to use. I just don't feel well. I have a heaviness in my chest and even my heart feels tired. Is this part of RA? fibromyalgia? Can the doc give me anything to make me feel better? I can't take steroids, so that isn't an option. Thanks for any replies. Love, J

I'm sorry you're not feeling well Juliah.  Michele and I have been discussing the fatigue monster lately and how unbearable it is.  I have an appointment this Thursday and am going to ask about two medications that have been discussed on the board recently:  Provigil & Adderal.  Not that I'm excited about putting yet ANOTHER pill in my system but with this fatigue being so insanely ridiculous I don't know what else to do.  Feel better soon sweetie!!

Peace & Love...Neasy

have you ever had a sleep study done...its possible that you have a sleep disorder on top of everything else that is interferring with your sleepAs Neasy said, this is a big deal for many of us.  I just left a message this morning asking my doctor for one of the drugs Neasy mention.  I can easily sleep 20 hours a day and still be exhausted.  Look up costochondritis (shut, can figure out the proper spelling, anyone know it?), its an inflammation of the chest and common for us ra people.

Gosh you have read my mind!

You have really helped me - sorry !
Just been diagnosed and for the past month have struggled to stay awake for more than four hours at a time, been so exhausted !

Im sorry i dont know what to suggest, maybe as other people have suggested a change of pill maybe in order .


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