Anyone ever hear of .... | Arthritis Information


Cognitive Dysfunction

I kinda read it in an Arthritis magazine today while waiting on seeing the dr. I do not really remember what all it said, but it does help explain why people with RA get "brain fogs".

I wish I could find the article online or even remember the name of the magazine.


joonie , thats funny ! you dont remember an article about not remembering!, lol that just struck me as funny! cause it sounds just like me!I never knew that.  Geez, sometimes I've wondered if I have Alzhiemers too.  Seriously, sometimes I can't even grab a word I'm looking for.  It's scary.

Yeah, I remember that the article said that it was the meds we were on that caused it and the inflammation we get as well. I was trying to read the darn article, but my neck and back were starting to act up and the only thing I could think of was how long I had been sitting there and I just could not concentrate on reading the article.

I thought about taking the magazine home with me, as they had a bazillion of them laying around



Your post could not be more timely.  I cannot tell how many times I forget someone's name...or the name of an article/item/etc.  I didn't realize this was part and parcel of this disease and the meds needed to handle it.

I guess what makes this hard to handle is that I have always had a terrific memory.  When I learn something, it sticks inside my head.  When I hear a song, it's there forever.  But now....well, at least it's not Alzheimer's. 



Nope it is not Alzheimer's. It says it comes and goes, and most times not permenant.

The begining of the article... was asking questions like... You call your son by your daughters name... you forget how to spell something right, that you have spelled right your whole life...

And some other things... and I was like HEY! I do that! But I did not make it much pass the first page before I lost concentration to read the whole 3 page article.

I did skip to a table that talked about what the causes were and meds & inflammation was on there, the rest I cannot really remember.

I am always calling my "kids" (are they truly kid?  ..they range from 21 to 31...guess so...they are MY kids albeit not kid-sized) the wrong names.  I have a 2 year old grandson and a 7 week old granddaughter (born 6 wks early in May...) and I find myself calling the little fella "Andy" (which is name of my youngest "child"...21 years old!)

I too found your post amusing...but informative, too!



Molly Bee

I call my daughter by my sisters name and I call my daughters friend by my sisters friends name when they were like 10, my sis is now 30 and hasnt talked to that girl in 15 years! and I call my son by my little brothers name! and that doesnt even comapre to the time I poured dr pepper in the french fries , dont ask! Im just plain old fashioned NUTS!

whats even funnier is that you said you kind of read it.  How do you kind of read something joonie??

I was in so much pain I was rocking back and forth without knowing I was doing it, and then the ladies sitting across from me were looking at me weird. I kept thinking "what are they looking at me for?" I looked down to see if they could see my belly because my shirt might have raised up... no that was not it. Then I realized I was rocking back and forth. So, I tried to stop and read the article again, but no go. I gave up.


joonie39272.7597222222Hmm, I had no luck finding anything on Google or Yahoo!  Did find a research study that found that lupus patients rate higher for it when compared to RA patients, but nothing on how RA patients rate.  And, of course, searching on "dysfunction" brought up lots of interesting results!!

Joonie, I just had to tell you something, regarding you rocking backand forth. When my husband had his second knee replacement, the physical therapist who came to the house, said that rocking back and forth is really something that is comforting to people in pain.

Apparently, when you rock (or move around) you release endorphines, which ease your pain a bit. That's why you always see mothers holding babies, rocking. It is comforting to the baby.

Just a little tidbit of trivia. I'm a regular fountain of useless information

Be well,


Wow, that really is interesting and does make sense!  Thanks, Nini.

Thanks for the info! Very interesting!

I also have noticed if my feet hurt or my knee hurts and I am standing and have no where to sit. I will step side to side while standing in place. I do not notice I do it, until people look at me and then I wonder why they are looking at me so weird.

Joonie, I always knew you were off your rocker!   Same here! My goodness you all make me feel better everyday!

Nancyjoonie , i rock back and forth too, i use to do it with bad menstral cramps and now i do it with r. a. .

Someone please come rock me!!! My freaking head is killing me

Anyways...I have not had too much brain fog in a long time but since I started back on Humira a month ago I notice it has been worse than ever. I went to have my TB test done for work (even though it isnt due until November) and I forget like a dumb@ss to go have it read! Now I have to do it all over again.  DUH!

Crunchy, do have have anything for the actual migraine?  I have tried most of the drugs relpax and two or three others brands but they all seem to work as well.  An ice pack to the forehead or back of the neck helps also.  Feel better sweetie, migraines suck!