Ghost Symptoms | Arthritis Information


RA is so weird!

My first symptoms were about a 10 months ago, achy tendons/muscles/joints and fever in a cylce every 2 or 3 weeks. Doc says "must be RA".

20 blood tests, x-rays, CT scans, etc... later, no proof of RA. Just the Rhuemy's word. That's cool with me, but...

No swelling, ever, except for what is appearing to be a bunion on the left foot. Elbow hurts, feet always feel like there is a rock in each shoe, hands get numb and tingly. And where does that fatigue come from?!? I've lost a few pounds, which doesn't take away from me at all

Looks like I feel great, I don't know if anyone really believes me when I say I otherwise.


Mike,  I think my ra started seven years ago.  I had similar symptoms that you describe.  Hurt to get out of bed because my feet were full of rocks.  Other symptoms were very subtle.  I went to a gp and he said you have a high rh factor, you may consider looking into whether you have ra.  I was so busy at the time taking care of my daughter that I didn't even research it.  I thought it was "just arthritis".  Anyway, last Sept. my ra came on so full blown I was hospitalized for two days.  I have had a difficult time since then.  I am not able to work right now.  Waiting to see what med cocktail works.  I am better since I got on the meds I am currently on.  Long story but the point is - I have bone erosions already and damage from the ra.  I wish I would have pursued treatment back when it was first brought up to me.  I continued to look great, hike hard, and ignore all of the subtle symptoms.  I don't know what the best treatment is for you but be careful - from reading many posts - ra can be dormant or "in remission" many years then come back to haunt you.  Also, that fatigue is probably from constant "slight inflammation" my ra says.  So take care of yourself.  My experience is people are not very supportive of people with ra unless they know someone who has had it or take the time to research it.  That is why so many of us come here for support! 

thanks again.

Hey Mike.

Sorry you feel bad.More so that everyone seems to think you are fine and yet you suffer in silence.if I have a smile on my face or crack a joke my husband thinks I am just fine but I'm not.I try to hide it mostly.I have dx. my blood work came back neg. for Ra.But I know the pain.Coming here has been a great support for me.Stick around you will get support and learn alot about RA and meds.
