Got some lab results | Arthritis Information


The new rhuemy I saw last week said he was ordering "more extensive" labs for me. I got some of the results in the mail ( I'm not sure if there's more to come...must be because he said it could take up to 3wks?) But I'm not really sure what they mean. I've put in a call to the Dr.'s office, but have not received any call back yet. I'm just not sure if I need to make an appt to go over the labs, or if he'll talk to me over the phone???Hmmm...Anyway..what I got back was the CRP, which was 7 (range is 0.0-4.9). I had gotten this test done back in Dec. I believe and it was 11, so it's good that's going down, right?? The other test was all "urinalysis" stuff and I have no idea what it all means. (which is why I'd like to talk to the dr......

Anyway...what exactly does the CRP mean?

C reactive protein=measures the amount of inflammation in your body.  The lower the better!  Its more accurate than a sed rate.

Don't blame you for not being patient, I would be calling that doc twice a day until he explained things to me!!!

yay!  I'm glad you got some good news.  I don't know these tests offhand, but you can find the meaning of them if you google something like "blood test results".  That's how i decipher mine.  Hope you find what you're looking for.


Thanks Michele---I called yesterday and today...of course I'm only able to leave a message with the "message nurse."

Linda- I'll try the good ol' "google"--thanks!

Oh, also---I'm down to 7mg prednisone!! And I'm not "worse" than I was, so that's awesome!! I can't say I'm necessarily better...but seems like I've had some pretty good days--other than being exhausted because the flu bug is going around at home. ( 3 of the 4 kids have had it now....praying I DON'T get it!)

Heres a good site for test results

Thanks!I don't know how your doctor operates, but mine only calls if there's
something "wrong" with the blood tests. If everything is A-OK you don't hear
from them.I used to think that was the case with my dr.    "no news-good news", however her receptionist told me I should check back as a phone call can get I feel better knowing I checked back....have a good day.


Thats a good idea Rose, we have to remember that whomever calls in test results to patients are human and may have over looked it.  I would call no matter what. 

My dr mails out the results of my blood work and the nurse will write a little note on the drs thoughts of how they turned out. 
