Life Sucks Thread | Arthritis Information


I so do not want to finish cleaning the house, my body aches.... LIFE SUCKS!

It is HOT & VERY HUMID and no A/C as no one will keep the doors shut so I am sweaty and sticky... LIFE SUCKS!

I am hungry... but it is TOO HOT to turn on the oven or stove... LIFE SUCKS

Can i join the "Life Sucks" Group??? i can sympathzie w/ all of the above...sorry hunLeave the cleaning till tomorrow, go take a cool shower to cool off, and have your husband pick up a pizza. 

How about I get hubby to make me some pizza

Joonie, Get yourself a cool drink, maybe turn on the sprinkler and sit near it and let the kids play in it.

Hope you feel better as the evening comes.



I wish Kelsay was home, then i could turn on the sprinkler w/o lookin like an idiot LOL...itd look pretty silly me "runnin" in the sprinkler

I'm SO are each getting the stomach flu one by one, so I've gotten a total of 6 hours of sleep since sucks..

It's hot and humid here too....and I'd love to go swimming, but my booty is too fat to go in public in a swimsuit.....


But looking on the bright side---it could be worse.If I would stop hurting, I would be happy as a clam!!  Oh, if you could make the swelling go away that sure would be nice also. Im w/ you on the swimming thing Amylynn.  One day maybekelsaysmommy--How about we get together and run through the sprinkler then!

I have a lot of reasons why "life sucks" for me. I would bore all of you with them all... SO I will slowly add to the "Life Sucks" thread.

can i join your life sucks ?!
Im in the UK and it is doing nothing but rain and were still in jumpers - is doind nothing for my poor bones !

Need some sunshine !


I guess you wouldn't like my open door either.  Hope you guys feel better.


we dont have central air in my house so im stuck w/ fans and the doors and windows open or i'd fry lol

Today is a beautiful weather day here.  A/C finally off and windows open!!! 

Well for the rest of my suckage lol.  I'm exhausted...for some reason can hardly wait I know the reason...stress!!!  LOL.  Danny is incredibly sick with the virus I had and we spent part of our night in the ER trying to get the pain from him having the aches so bad under control.  He hadn't been sleeping (quite the grumpy gus) because he could not get comfortable.  The ER doc was one of those that "I don't know how far I can stretch pain relief."  All we really wanted was something so Danny could sleep.  Then I could sleep too lol.  Well...2 percocets...1 muscle relaxer...and a shot of morphine later Danny is finally comfy enuf to sleep.  So we go home.  He sleeps...I kinda sleep (one of those real lite sleeps) and thankfully he is still sleeping.  I am waiting right now for one child to be picked up to go babysit.  The other child is already gone at a friends and won't be back til late tonight.  She spent the night away LAST night instead of tonight like was originally planned.  She will be back after seeing the new Harry Potter movie.  I still will have to run down the street to the doc office and pick up that work excuse.  I am hoping to squeeze in a nap somewhere before I go do that.  I'm exhausted.  Plus there still is housework to be done.  And Danny to take care of. 

On top of all of this my (censored) insurance company is forcing me to mail order one of my asthma inhalers and I find out yesterday that I am paying MORE thru mail order than I would at the regular pharmacy.  Mail order is supposed to SAVE you money.  Not in my case.  Needless to say...I was quite the angry person.  Ya know how they get away with this?  When you mail order the price isn't calculated on the class of the med you are ordering.  It is calculated on the 90 supply.  YOU (CENSORED).  So my inhaler lasts me 45 days.  I get 2 of them in the mail.  At the price of .00.  If I went to the pharmacy for this price there would be .  (censored) (censored)  The insurance company was like sorry there is nothing we can do for you or do about this since the price is calculated on the 90 day supply.  WHAT!!!  Are you (censored) kidding me??  You just (censored) ripped me off because of the way your stupid (censored) company calculates (censored) prices on my meds!!!  I want a refund of and I want it right (censored) now!!!  Of course I didn't say it to the supervisor like that.  BUT I REALLY WANTED TO!!!!!!  Sigh.  Soooo in 3 months I gotta go BACK to the doc office and come up with something that is cheap and I don't have to mail order.  I should bill THEM for my doc visit. 

At least the weather is nice lol. 

Wow Gramma (even though you're younger than me)  I feel a bit ridiculous with my dumb complaints.  Hope things start lookin' up for you and Danny (your husband I assume) today.

Awww Linn hunny your complaints aren't dumb at all!!!  They are just different than mine or anyone else's around here!!! 

Yes...Danny is my husband.  15 years.  Oy where has the time gone. 

Things are looking up.  When I called him into work today I left a message for their company nurse to see if the doc office can fax in his work excuse and they can!!!  We gave the ER doc the wrong dates that Danny was off and still needed off so my doc office is going to re-write the excuse and fax it in.  We were just so tired when he was finally discharged our brains weren't functioning quite right lol. 

Both girls are gone...Danny is still sleeping...I am going to grab the cordless and lie down also.  I have puttered out some housework...Danny is sleeping in the living room so can't do my dishes yet it would wake him I have nothing really left to do.  So I am going to attempt a nap!

Humm... yeah... Grammaskittles got me beat today on why life sucks today. Sorry, Liz I hope you get some sleep soon.

I woke up this morning with my right knee unable to move and hurting and throbbing, then a few hours later came the rain... life sucks!

I got out of the bed around 1:30pm, because my knee felt better and I was able to move around a little better, now here I sit with both my knees and right hip are throbbing with pain and my back is hurting, because I believe it is going to rain again really soon... Life Sucks!


Ya know, with you guys and your really sucky days, I don't even think I'll tell you that I ate too many cherries and now my stomach is over full.

Seriously though, folks, I do feel bad that you are suffering today, and it'll be me again soon enough, I'm sure.  I did have my first flare (since the diagnosis) sunday, monday and yesterday.  Better now though.  Hope tomorrow will be an improvement for you both.

Gramma...I know.  I don't fit in here, do I?

My improvement will be when this rain stops rolling in

I usually do not complain, but this rain is really making me blue and hurt more.

Ahhh... you fit in here. You show that everyone can do good. Everyone has there up & downs, and right now... this seems to be one of mine.

I would probably be doing better, if I did not have an incompetent RD. And that I could find a DMRD, that had less side effects or that did work. I believe I would be doing much better.

Keep postin' you seem to be a ball-o-fun!

My life sucks right now cause i dont have to money to finish this transcription class so i can make money to get them to turn the gas back on.  And i cant work outside the house cause well i dont need to explain to you why i cant.  So either way you look at it im screwed.  These are the days I HATE having this stupid disease.  I cant work to even help provide the basic sh*t for my family......IM SO FED UP !!!!!!!!!!!

Shannon - I know exactly what you are going thru. We too are really really stuggling finacially, except we have the in-laws to help keep us afloat. We would be better off finacially if, we could just get the trailor sold. I am really thinking of suggesting to hubby that we let the trailor go back, and just let it ruin our credit.

I have really really been in the depressed mood, and think life sucks, because of all the money worries we have. I owe CareMark oodles of money and I only have 2 shots left. My check was completely gone within 24 hours... buying what little groceries I could, and helping to pay what utilities I could. My hubby's brings home 5 every 2 weeks. Yeah... it sucks. His check is gone as soon as he deposits it into the bank.

I have been trying to talk him into letting the internet go, but if we do that we have to pay a fee for early termination. I have tried to talk him into letting the satellite go, but yet again another fee for early termination, which is 0. Yeah, next time we will not go with a bundle pack on our phone bill.

Life reall REALLY sucks for me right now, and I am sure it sucks even more for you, Shannon as you do not have the family assistance we have.

I have been trying to psych myself up to thinking I can go to work, but weeks like this week, make me have doubts I can even work. I know deep down in my heart, I cannot work.

 Yea i wish i had the help from my family that you do joonie.  A friend of mine said the sweetest thing today.  I have known this guy since my sophmore year in hs.  He knows alot about my life, i trust him so i was telling him what was going on how i want to to work but cant and he goes "cant they give you drugs (meaning pain killers) to give you more spoons through the day"  ok now a "normal" would be like hun thats something stupid to say but he read the spoon theory like almost 2 years ago and remembered what it was and how it applied to my RA. 

We were in a financial disaster for a very long time and I know the  stress of it.  I know what it's like to lay awake all night rolling over and over in my mind how much I owe, how much I have and that sick knot of knowing that it isn't enough. I have gone for months and months not answering the phone because I know it's another bill collector and all I can tell them is that I have nothing to give them and I hate it way more than they do.  I've had the bank threatening to foreclose, and my credit is only just beginning to recover.  I've spent winters freezing and summers sweltering in an attempt to keep the bills down.  Like you Joonie, we have had to rely on my in laws in order to not lose everything.  And while I will always be grateful to them, it is very humbling.  I've walked through the grocery store watching other people fill up their carts while I am adding the cost of the barest basics and hoping I have enough to cover it without putting something back, but deciding what will be the first to go just in case I have to.  But during that time I didn't also have the burden of this disease.  I know it doesn't sound like alot, but I will pray for you guys, I know it's hard to be in your spot.  And I know now that anyone can end up in it, and I could again someday.  But please be encouraged that things can get better, and it is my sincere hope and prayer that they will for you and very soon, and that you will be able to find joy while you are waiting.


Thanks for sympathizing with us, Linda, but sorry you were able to.

What can I say?.... Life Sucks!