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Well I saw the RD this morning and he went over my labs.  My CRP, RF and sed rate were really high but I was in my first flare when he took them.  I explained how I was doing quite well (except for my toes

I can honestly say he is an extremely positive doctor and is definitely not going to baby me.  He also said I can go to the gym but only do what I can tolerate... he said I will know it if I overdo it.  But, I am to stay off the treadmill or anything else that will bother my feet.  So I am thinking exercise bike!!! Anyone else have exercise suggestions?????  I really want to keep taking the weight off!!!!

Still feeling good today but a little stiff (stupid humidity and rain weather).  Have a great day everyone!!!!!

HI, Wow! it sounds like you are doing just great.


Sounds like you have a great doctor.  No real advice on the workouts, getting dressed is about the limit of my physical activity.  Maybe try swimming, thats what I plan to do as soon as I am well enough.

Great appointment!!  Swimming is a great low impact exercise. So is the stationary bike. 

It sounds like you are doing better, and will continue if you stay on the meds.  I can do water aerobics, but I do have to moderate the activities in the deep end.  I use a floatation belt and the "weights".  I am also hooked on the stationary bike.  Be careful not to inflame the ligaments and tendons if you do any weights.  I work with the weight machines when I can.  Some days all I can do is the water exercise or stationary bike. 

I am so happy for you!

Swimming is an excellent cardio exercise if you have access to a pool.  I guess the bike is the next best, at least you can keep pressure of your toes.  I'm really glad things are going so well for you.  It's nice to hear good news



I do really well with the elliptical machines at the gym.  I don't think they're as hard on my feet/ankles as a treadmill because my feet don't actually come off the pedals.

As others have suggested, swimming is great exercise--I don't do it because I'm a lousy swimmer and the only pool I have access to is at my gym and is usually very crowded.

Good luck to you!
dordale HI, I think swimming would be wonderful, less stress on your joints, great movement and I always felt like I had had a real workout when I went swimming....great exercise. LyndaLike others have said, swimming is awesome! In Vancouver there's a
program called WaterWorks which are water aerobics programs for arthritics.
the instuctors get trained at the Arthritis centre and then bring the class to
their home pool, so they happen all over the city. Maybe your town has
something like that?

The only problem is I'm doing so well that WaterWorks doesn't provide
enough of a workout for me anymore---but I guess that's not really a

It sounds like you're doing pretty good!

Thanks for all the suggestions.  Because I live in CT I have limited access to public pools locally.  But, my neighbor has an in ground pool and I know she would let me come and swim any time I wanted.  I just need to go do a temp check to make sure it is warm enough.  My husband really wants to get a jacuzzi for the fall and is talking about a small above ground pool in the yard with a propane heater (I cannot stand cold water).  But all this is in the future.  I am going to try using the bikes at the gym and the machines but minus the weights because I don't want to make my muscles sore just strengthen and stretch.
