ugly hands | Arthritis Information


Hello, So, my hands have became quite crooked looking but worse is the big, thick blue veins protruding from them. My rheumy says its the nature of the disease. An elderly country gentleman that lives where we board horses commented on those "big blood veins" he is near 90. He said "my hands don't have them like that". My 11 year old said they just looked scary and was I o.k. Did they hurt? I told her no. Of course we all know our hands always hurt. Does anyone else out there have these veins? Do you know of a way to eliminate them? Thanks GinniI have them too. Somtimes they are worse than others. Don't think theres much we can do about it.

The veins in my hands get really big sometimes, but I had no idea that it had anything to do with RA.  My hands always have an odd shine to them too.  Ginni, I know the people who benefit from them LOVE your hands, big veins or not.  I wonder what mother Theresa's hands looked like?  They did alot of good and were loved by many.


I have them too, big veins, nodules, lumpy wrists and PAIN.  Oh well, I still wear rings (when I can get them on) and get my nails done.I have the big blue hand veins too. 13 years ago when I was 40 my 9 yr old step son thought I was quite wonderful because I had such strong looking hands. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - not in the hands.I also have them in my feet...So ugly!  But, I still wear sandals when I can.  I can still hug my family and that is all that counts for now.  Count your blessings not your veins.  