Back to the Prednisone, OH WELL! | Arthritis Information


Hi all, well here we go again. I talked to the doc and he said take prednisone (in addition to the mtx & remicade). He said 15mgs for a week, then 10, then 5. I think I'll start with 5 and go down from there! I don't want to go through that 'withdrawal' again! I sure hope it helps my stiff fingers! LyndaI hate the up and down we do with the pred. I had finally gotten pretty
low and then the eye dr. bumped me back up to 10mg until the eye thing
settles. One step forward and three steps back.....

Hope the fingers feel better.


Hope your fingers feel better!!! 

Gotta agree with step forward...three steps back. 

Good Luck Lynda. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Try not to get discouraged.

I sorry, Hurts. I had to go back up to 5mg until I got to see my new RD, due to that darn stoopid, but much needed, rain.

I started taking the 5mg last night.

Hope your fingers feel better soon!

Lynda, sorry you had to go back on Pred.  So far I'm waiting it out.  Taking pain pills and doing less than before.  Am going on second week without MXT because of surgery on Monday.  Have really felt the difference.  I didn't think that I'd flare so soon but then the weather may be contributing.  It's very humid here in the desert.  Monsoon season will be starting soon.  Take it easy, I know it's hard for you but you have to.  Lindy

Yeah, I'm back on pred as well.  Its been a month now started on 15, now 10, was down to 5, but had to go back up.  But at least I have some energy.

Lindy, Good luck on Monday and I hope all goes well for you.

Me too Lindy. Speedy recovery to you.