Sucking up the humidity like a sponge | Arthritis Information


It feels like my body is sucking up the humidity like a sponge and depositing it into my puffy hands and feet. 

I have been waiting for the big storm that's supposed to clear it all out, but my rain dance isn't working (although if it did, it would probably bring floods and hail...not exactly what I want).

The worst part of it is that the humidity is conspiring with my meds to make me groggy and tired.

Anyone else suffering with humidity?  Anything we can do about it?

PS - Please send nice weather wishes for Saturday.  My lovely friend, a stay-at-home mom with 3 lovely girls, who's going through a nasty divorce, is having her first party at her new home and it would be so nice for all the kids to play outside.

Hey maybe you can try a humditifier?

I hate the humidity and hibernate in the a/c.  It takes a couple of days for my weather flares to calm down lately.  Like today I shouldn't be so puffy but I still am.  URG

I miserable with humidity too. June was so nice and dry with no weather/barometer changes at all. I loved it.

My hands and feet are all puffed up too - sponge huh...

Well, it's 37 degrees here and that's really hot, but not too humid because
I'm near the ocean. When I was in the desert in Nevada it was hotter but not
as bad because it's so so dry.

IMG]Drrrrr....why is my laptop so finicky?I will trade a few drops of humidity with someone for a few degrees of HEAT

I don't think dry heat is any better that humid heat, just different and annoying in its own way.

The humidity has dropped about 10% here overnight, thanks to the long-awaited thunderstorm, which unfortunately did cause some flooding, but nothing too major that I heard about.  And this morning the puffiness seems less.

joonie, you made me laugh...I think you mean a de-humidifier.  I can't even imagine what it would have been like with a machine putting out more humidity!

The only problem with a dehumidifier is that someone needs to empty the darn thing.  When I was little, my grandparents had a console humidifier/dehumidifier and it was great, except that it held something like 20 gallons and who the heck could fill or empty it?

I have upped my water pills and that helps with some of the puffiness but yeah, humidity and heat suck every last once of energy right out of my body.  I go from the car to the house and thats it!

Our summer is non-existant at the moment , its been cool and rainy so no humidity. The rain is just as bad though. I love a nice dry heat or a frosty cold winter.

joonie, you made me laugh...I think you mean a de-humidifier.  I can't even imagine what it would have been like with a machine putting out more humidity!


Yeah, that is it!!! DEHUMIDIFIER!! I thought about it late last night while I was trying to go to sleep, because I knew it was wrong. My brain has not been working lately. This humidity thing is making me think even more that it is RA.

michele, increasing the diuretic would be a good idea, unfortunately mine's combined with my anti-hypertensive.  One disadvantage to those "two drugs in one pill" combos.

joonie, I know exactly what you mean.  Today I was talking with a colleague (who's thankfully also a friend) and I meant to say "directions" but instead I said "decorations".  I have been saying and writing things like that several times a day now.  At least when they're in writing, I usually catch 'em, but not always.

Kathy, welcome to the boards!  So sorry you're suffering, but at least you're in good company. 

