OT: Burn baby Burn | Arthritis Information


Looks like for now, with all this rain we have been recieving we are no longer in the highest level of drought and no longer under a No-Burn, but a Fire Alert.

They say that if we do not get no more rain after this week, we will be back in the highest level of drought alert again.

So... I am thinking hubby needs to walk to the fire station and get a burn permit to burn all those dried out bamboo and tree limbs on the burn pile in the backyard before it goes back to where we cannot get a burn permit.

Here is a picture from the local newspaper showing how far down the lake is

My sister she has a pontoon boat and it is scrubbing the bottom of the lake, so she has not been out on the boat that much.

Follow the link below and it will show how low our lake its by using a graph.



Ok I know where that picture was took... off one of the channels in the state park.

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