Back from the rheumy | Arthritis Information


Hello everyone! I've been so busy lately that I haven't been posting. I'm just
back from my second appointment with my rheumy. Here's what she said:

I am having an MRI done of my left wrist and hand next week, because my
X-rays show erosion in that area. She took me off of the Arthrotec and put
me on Relafen until my next appointment in a month. She also gave me a
6-day pack of the dreaded prednisone. She said that if I am feeling better
with the prednisone, it is a sure sign it is RA (which she already thinks it is).

I'm thankful that I can come to this board and learn so much from those of
you who have been on this journey for longer than I! Thanks to you all!

Natty...was wondering where you have been!!  I thought a storm washed you into the Lake lol!!! 

Well, sounds like you had a good appt. and have a good RD.  Let us know how you do on the pred pack. It is a relatively low tapering dose that most of us have done at one point or another. 

Good luck with the MRI.  Let us know what the results of that are.

Sounds like you are on the right track!  The prednisone is dreaded but a 6 day supply won't be bad.  You may have trouble sleeping the first couple of nights and watch out for the munchies! Gramma--with the end of school came interviews for some openings at my
grade level, I broke a filling--let's just say it has been a crazy few weeks!

The prednisone pack has 4mg pills in it which I know is a low dose and my
rheumy said she doesn't do it long term because of all of the side effects.
She said it can help the whole diagnosis process.

Micheleb--thanks for the heads up on the sleeping thing! I'm a total crank
without sleep so I'll look for that! :)

I'm sorry to hear you have damage but it sounds like you're on the right track with a good RD....good for you Natty.  Let us know how the MRI goes and how you do with the pred.  It was nice to see you post with an update.

Peace & Love...Neasy

