X-Ray Results | Arthritis Information


My wrists x-rays came back normal.  Yeah! 

It's been three years since diagnosis so now I'm questioning if the diagnosis was correct even though I had high positive RF, Anti-CCP, ANA, CRP, and ESR because of the normal x-rays.  Would the early treatment with Plaquenil keep me from having erosions?  I guess I always thought erosions would be inevitable.


kweenb39275.4260763889Congratulations!  That is good news.  I'll be checking back to see what people have to say about it possibly being something other than RA.  Wouldn't that be great?Plaquenil and Methotrexate are supposed to stop the progression of the disease, so I wouldn't expect erosions if they were working. It sounds like you have a good combo! If you are positive for all those indicators, it would seem like RA, and the fact that RA meds are controlling things makes it seem even more likely to me the dx is correct. I'm so glad your treatment is keeping things under control!   

I just started the methotrexate.  I've only taken it twice.  Therefore, the results were really just based on the Plaquenil alone.

I read an article once that said that while Plaquenil was good at reducing symptoms, it didn't do that well at stopping erosions.  Hence, my second guessing the diagnosis.

All I know is that Plaquenil was presented to us as a drug that would stop the progression. I know it doesn't work for everyone (nothing does). My daughter could not keep even the tiniest drop down, so we couldn't do it, but from what I have seen posted since, it sounds like it does help a lot of people. On another board I go to, more than one 'old timer' has given up on biologics (saying they never felt that much better and it wasn't worth the side effects and/or expense) and gone to Plaquenil and fish oil and they feel great. I'm really following Plaquenil stories, for when my daughter is older and we could possibly try it again if necessary.   

No damage...that's great news!!

Unfortunately that doesn't mean you don't have RA.  The x-rays I had on my hands and feet came back good and I've been diagnosed with severe active RA.  Although I'm glad there was no damage in my hands, I was surprised.

Peace & Love...Neasy

I think everyone progresses at different rates. A lady I have spoken to that has RA since she was 21 now has severe hand erosions and she says that didn't happen until her early 40's. I think it depends on how severe your RA is and how well you respond to the medication. Plaquenil, if working, should slow progression. Although, I do hope you're right and you don't have RA...
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