RA in Pubic Bone? | Arthritis Information



I have not been here since the AI board changed so much.  I have an odd thing going on, wonder if any other women with RA have had this. I have pain in my pubic bone area, seems to be hurting alot when I walk,  I have had some stabbing pains, made me yell out in pain when I was at work and walking around, how embarrassing.  Anyone else had pubic bone involvement in their RA?  I do have one hip replaced and my other one is very bad and needs done.  This might be related.

I've been told that is actually a hip issue.  I have it frequently (my hips are my worst joint), so I totally understand your frustration with it.  The only think that I have found to help is to lay down and put a heating pad across my whole pelvic area.

Hope it just diminishes for you.... 

I just read this in the Arthritis Today magazine (March/April 2005) in the experts on call section.

Question: I was told a few years ago that my pelvis is "full of arthritis" What does that mean

Answer: The person who told you this gave you a slightly unaccurate description of your situation. The pelvis cannot be "full of arthritis" because arthritis is damage or inflammation of a joint. The pelvis - a basin-shaped structure that supports the spinal column and protects the reproductive organs - itself is not a joint. However, there are several joints in the pelvic region, including the hip, where the upper leg bone attaches to the pelvis, and the sacroiliac, where the lower spine attaches to the pelvis. Many forms of arthritis, including OA, RA or the spondylarthropathies - askylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, and reactive arthritis - can affect joints in this region. The particular type of arthritis you have in these joints will determine treatment.

There is more, but I thought of your post when I read this. I hope that it helps you, I would sure ask your dr about it.


I have had pain in what seemed to be my hip joint since I was 16 (on and
off). It got worse this past year after I had my daughter. Three months
after having her all my joints went crazy and I ended up going to a
rheumy my husband is friends with. Blood test came back negative for
RA, but both my hand and feet were showing damage, and I kept running
a daily fever over 100.

He saw a hip x-ray that I had been taken after my back went out 3 years
ago and it showed no problems. Well, 2 weeks ago, it went out again,
worse this time, when I was putting my daughter down to play on the

A new x-ray showed that I now had SEVERE damage, not to the hip but to
my right sacroiliac joint (the side that has been hurting the past 8 years).
It is now widened and eroded out, oh joy! So this, coupled with the rashes
on my hands and in my scalp made the doc decide that he did not think it
was only RA anymore, but leaning to PA being the main problem.

I have been on enbrel for 2 months and that made it where I could walk
without crying and needing a lot of pain medicine, but I reacted and now
am tryng out Humira.      


Is it the same side hurting as the hip replacement? I have this same problem, after a hip replacement in 2003. Its horrible and nobody can seem to figure out what it is or how to make it go away! Its in teh pubic bone/groin area. Is that where yours is?


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