CT SCAN RESULTS | Arthritis Information


I just remembered that I hadnt got the results of my Cat Scan taken about a month ago and while my sinus's are infected I thought i'd phone up and ask. MMMMmmmm...

I hope the E.N.T. doctor can help you out with getting the results faster.

Hope you are feeling a bit better.Yikes...that  is so not right. I always get any test results almost immediately. In fact, I went for a mammogram a few weeks ago and they gave me my results when I came out of the change room after. The longest I've ever had to wait was maybe a week, and that was because they needed a second opinion.

Could you possibly bug your doctor about it? It just seems so wrong.

Oh that's insane Pin....I'd light a fire under someones butt regarding that one.  It's not your problem they are short.  If they don't have the staff then contract out to someone that does.  If it was their CT scan they wouldn't be so patient.

Good luck and let us know what you find out.

Peace & Love...Neasy

Good god that doesn't sound right, even by the time standards of our beloved NHS!

I guess it depends whereabouts in the country you are, but that much of a delay really doesn't sound right. I'm in Birmingham and my results tend to come through within a month, usually sooner. Maybe its just the hospital you are at, I know you can now choose which hospital to be treated in now. Patient choice and all that. If they are consistently bad with times, would you consider moving?
Orion739275.6326041667PIN!!!!! You need to do some yelling, or something. In severe cases, chronic sinus infections can erode away the lining of your sinus cavity, and cause an infection in the brain. Scary stuff really. I didn't think it was that common, until they told my friend (who had constant sinus issues) that they were already seeing a pattern of erosion. Apparently, it happens more than you hear about. I really like your brain, so please call them back!!
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