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I have decided to take control of my RA my way and see what happens... Pray that I am doing the right thing. I am only 43 yrs old and have had RA for 8 years. I have been on what seems all the anti- inflammatory meds which none seem to totally help and the ones that seem to help some have a lot of side effects including losing toenails and hair loss. I started taking Mobic , Methotrexate and Remicade for the last year. I am soooo tired and drained from all the meds. I have cancelled all appointments and I am going to a Homeopatic Doctor on August 8 who deals with RA. I am hoping with her help I will begin to feel better. Has anyone else tried this approach? I believe it deals with staying away from certain foods, taking certain supplements... Let me know if you have any experience in this?

I don't have any experience but believe this could work! 

You go girl!  (at least I think you're a girl, sorry if not)

Keep me posted, please!


If nothing else has worked, what have you got to lose.  My pain management doctor is very Eastern Medicine.  I do take the usual drugs but I also get massage therapy, acupuncture and sts (its an electrical unit used to regulate the sympathetic nervous system)  Just be sure that you are no letting joint damage happen as that is irreversible!  Good luck and keep us posted! Also, since nothing else has worked you might want to take a closer look at AP (if you haven't already). Good luck with your new approach!

Oh, didn't see you were new.  I do AP too and hope to get off all ABX eventually with some of the stuff you are looking into.  AP saved my life.


I'm really going to be watching to see how this works out for you.  I know of a homeopathic doc that I have been turning over the idea of going to.  I guess I'm a little chicken to go off the beaten path.  I sure hope you get a positive result. Pip...I never heard of AP until your post...and never heard of Provigil for energy until someone posted. I am definatly going to look into both of them.  Hopefully I can find something natural that works if not hopefully something "milder" than the harsh RA drugs I have been taken. KarenHi Karen - I would certainly try a homeopathic physician.
I studied homeopathy many years ago and had a lot of success with it, unfortunately it is difficult to treat yourself and I did try 2 homeopaths where I live without success for rheumatoid arthritis, a good homeopath is essential.
I seem to recall a study was done by the British Medical Journal The Lancet some years ago testing homeopathy against traditional medicine for use with rheumatoid arthritis - homeopathy was more successful but I think they have recently published an article saying homeopathy does not work. The prestigious scientific journal 'Nature' has published 3 articles on homeopathy, the first positive, the second negative and the third was positive - these 3 studies were based around the same tests. I believe it all depends on the homeopath.
I was diagnosed 10 years ago with severe homeopathy, have tried Celebrex, Vioxx, anti inflamatories - none of these worked. Was bedridden for sometime, went on a basic vegan diet which got me mobile again, this took quite a long time, a few steps at a time.   I take hempseed oil and have taken various supplements over the years,but am not consistent at taking them and have had times of not taking care with my diet but I am convinced it helps dramatically.   I still flare severely very occasionally, ache a lot and also have fibromyalgia but have times of being pain free which are more consistent
but I have a lot of fatigue. I take panadeine, codeine and the occasional antiinflam if I am flaring.   I wish I had been able to find a classical homeopath initially and in retrospect would have travelled further afield to find one. A research dr. told me to avoid dairy and make sure I vet vit.D from the sun not supplements. It seems to have helped me quite dramatically.
I am also vegetarian - practically vegan which also helps.
Good luck with your complimentary treatments, I hope they work for you.   I would be interested to hear how it all goes for you.
Kind wishes,
CassieI just wanted to say good luck in whatever you decide.


Norwegian Salmon 1000 mg 1 pill 2 times a day it should say high in EPA and DHA.

MSM 100% pure 1000 mg 3 in am 2 in evening

An Antioxidant w/Pycnogenol 5 pills in the morning.

I have not felt this good in the 8 years since I was first diagnosed..I have more energy and so far no inflammation at all.  Some stiffness once in awhile, so I just take 2 Tylenol for Arthritis...maybe 2 times a week. 

I know this isn't for everyone, but I have tried it and so far I'm glad I did. My RA nurses were upset when I told them to cancel my appointments and said they will see me soon being wheeled in in a wheel chair because I won't be able to walk...oh please...let us live for a change and be off those hard drugs!  I will keep you updated with any ups or downs.  Karen



Karen -

GO Girl!

Please also look into anti-inflammatory diets.  There are a ton of websites devoted to them.  The links to hyperpermeable gut linings, diet, hidden food allergies are there.  You need to figure out what your body needs.

Keep us posted!


I found something that helped me tremendously. Its called MonaVie - a blend of 19 fruits full of antioxidants, phytonutrients and other stuff. I got it from a woman at www.mymonavie.com/dwatson. It worked great for me, let me know if you have the same results. Also, check out the web site www.acihealthinfo.com, very helpful, gives testamonials from may others that have been using Monavie


I also have gone the alternative path.  When I couldn't get a timely appointment to see a Rheumatologist, I decided to take my health in my own hands and see a naturalpathic doctor.  She spent alot of time talking to me and started me on a homeopathic regimen and helped me clean up my diet.  Being a naturalpathic doctor she also ordered labs and reviewed the labs I had done with my GP.  I eventually followed up with a Rheumatologist but never took the drugs he recommended.  

My labs did improve significantly after 3 months.  My sed Rate was down to normal and my c-reactive protein was also down to normal.  The fatigue was almost completely gone and the linguing pain was managable.  I have been on this regimen for over a year now.

But I have to warn you.   Just because your inflammatory markers (sed rate and c-reative protein) return to normal and you might have less fatigue and swelling of the joints, doesn't mean you do not have inflammation still going on in your body.

I have recently started Intergated Manual therapy.  I thought I was doing so well.  But after two treatments they have uncovered all sorts of inflammation in my body.  They even unmasked pains in my hips I was unaware of. 

So I guess what I am saying is don't put all your eggs in one basket.  Yes try homeopathy.  And yes I highly endorse an anti-inflammatory diet.  But don't leave it at that.  Don't cut ties with your Rheumatologitst or Primary care physician just yet.

Finally realize that it took years of bad diet and stress to get you into the state of health you are in and it may take time to repair the damage.

Best of luck..

Gentle hugs


Hey Marybeth;

Can you tell us more about the diet you were on?  And more about the Intergrated Manual Therapy.  How does it work?



My naturalpath first tested my blood for foods that caused my immune system to react.  It was an expensive test but the results were worth it.  I tested postive to cane sugar, almonds, apricots, salicylates, molasses and parmasean (sp?) cheese.  So for 6 months I took these out of my diet.  Once during the six month I chewed a piece of gum which had sugar in it and immediately had a reaction.  The pain in my joints lasted for 3 days after that one piece of gum.  Some people at the six months can reset their immune systems and go back to eating those foods.  Unfortunately I still react to sugars.

Because of the diet I have also lost 40 lbs.

Recently I decided to try Intergative manual therapy, since I was still having pains in my right ankle, which caused me to limp. And limited my ability to walk as much as I needed for my job.

I had heard of Intergrative manual therapy at my naturalpath's office.  They share the same office space.  I thought it was like physical therapy.  But it is more like whole person physical therapy.  They work with emotions, joints, tissues and the lymph system.  I don't understand any of it.  But it is freaky how they can read my body's internal workings.  Their website is www.centerimt.com

I have had two treatment so far.  I still don't understand it.  It has helped a little.  One thing it uncovered was an allergy to glutens.  So now I am on a gluten free diet. 

I am still alittle scetical about this.  But the good news is that my insurance should pickup up to 50% of the cost.  I have to submit it myself to the insurance company.

Sorry about the long posting.

Hope this helps.



I guess the short answer to your question about diet, is that I believe that diets should be based on the individual person.  No one diet works for everyone.

I thinks allergy care centers can identify food allergies.




Congrats!!!  Way to go!!!  Glad to see  that you are feeling well!!!  Please keep us posted on how you are doing!!!
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