RA Brain | Arthritis Information


What exactly is an RA Brain you might ask...

RA Brain is:

The list goes on and on ...

Care to add to the list?

Type homonyms ("ewe" instead of "you"...how weird is that?)

Reverse letters constantly as you type

Say the wrong words that sound similar ("decorations" instead of "directions")

Walk into a room and forget why you came in

EEk! So the symptoms I'm putting down to steroidal side effects may actually be RA brain?!

I'm still getting used to this condition....

Orion - could be, but the meds also play a part in it too.


I have RA brain bad. I type on here and then spend 20mins retyping what i thought was plain english. Oh dear hubby must have RA brain too as he types lots of my posts and we have to go back to themwhich meds??Linncn, prednisone. I'd just started a thread about it  Hmmm...ne meds, no DX, but yes to all of the RA brain stuff! I think my family still thinks I am "faking" everything. It only come up when they are very angry.  :(

Some of my examples: typed "I should bye that!"  the other day. (I have impeccable spelling and english skills....until now.)
ALWAYS forget what I went for
Burn food all the time now...(I really am a GOOD cook)
Forgot Fathers Day this year!

Oh no---add RA brain to my Graves fog and I'm in BIG trouble!!

No wonder my kids sometimes just look at me like, " What are you thinking?!"

Uh Oh....I'm going to have toi come up with some other reason then I type words twice sometimes.  I have to proof read all my posts lol. 

I read somewhere that ra really does cause memory loss but I can't remember where I read it. LOL

I have a calender next to a dry erase board that I write stuff down on or I forget. Most time I can't remember where I put the pen.

Hmm, how about forgetting the name of a valued colleague ... in the middle of a meeting ... while mentioning her input ... with everyone knowing that you can't remember her name!  I forget lots of stuff, but name forgetting is the worse!  Makes it seem like I haven't valued them as individuals - when I have. Definitely the worse. Joy39275.7056365741definitely the meds guys!!I found out that one of the signs of peri-menopause (pre-menopause) is short-term memory loss, but I keep forgetting that ...

Here's one for ya!

I just read this thread, and then went back to the main board to click on another thread. I clicked and I was back on this thread. I forgot I just read this thread. My doc told me that RA does clinically affect your cognitive function i.e. ability to think especially during a flare so RA brain is a real physical symptom of this disease. Add the depression component of this disease  to the clinical RA component plus the fatigue levels and it's a wonder that any of us can type posts at all. 


  My children get so aggravated with me cause I ask them the same thing over and over like did you clean your room? Yes. A few minutes later did you clean your room?Yes and again a while later did you clean your room?  Stop ASKING ME THAT! You Never Listen! I honestly don't remember, they think I'm bonkers

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