What is wrong with my RD? | Arthritis Information


Hi all,

As some of you know I've been seeing my RD every 4 weeks trying to get this sand blasted mother of a flipper RA under control.  I asked him for Provigil or Adderal and told him that this fatigue is insane and unbearable.  I expained to him that I cannot function like this.  He tells me he doesn't really like to script those out blah blah blah.  Then says he wants to re-check my labwork including my thyroid since I'm hypothyroid.  We just checked the bloodwork April.  I'm sure he's hoping that my thyroid is bonkers so it will be an easy call on the fatigue.  I've been hypothyroid for years and there's no doubt in my mind that it is NOT my thyroid.  Anyway, okay I understand he WANTS to check so get to it.  Then I told him that I wanted to schedule the MRI that we had discussed at the previous visit and he doesn't want to.  He said that my x-rays of my hands came back fine and that's usually always the first place for damage to show. Then he goes on to say how expensive the MRI is.  He also said that he didn't see the point of the MRI as it wouldn't change the course of treatment I am on right now and said that he wants to continue with what we're doing and if I still don't respond the next step would be infusions.  I swear!!  First of all, I asked about a bone scan and he said he would recommend an MRI and then when I request the MRI he doesn't want to do it.  Does anyone besides me see a problem with this?  Of course the flippin MRI is expensive that's why I'd like to do it while I actually have a job and insurance.  There's no damage in my hands or feet ... well that's wonderful news but the majority of my major flares are in my knees and shoulders...shouldn't they be looked at?  I'm about to go into work and have them x-ray my knees and have a veterinarian look at them.  On the 2-year study they only did x-rays of hands and feet so the rest of me has NEVER been looked at and I'm having a hard time understanding why not.  So what if we wouldn't change the course of treatment...shouldn't I know if there is damage?!  Especially since my knees have not been the same since my last flare.  They are tender and they ache which really scares me.  Thanks for listening to me babble.  Maybe I'm just over reacting and freaking out...I dunno.  As you can tell, I'm upset, frustrated and a little scared.  Opinions and feedback are welcome and appreciated as always.

P.S. -- He did increase me Paxil form 20mg to 40mg

Peace & Love...Neasy

Neasy39275.7463078704I am new to the board, but have been trying to educate myself about RA. Now, all the stuff I have been reading says you should never wait until there us damage and an MRI or bone scan will catch it before it starts.

Try slapping the RD upside the head and see if that will help. Yeah, what is the man smoking? Sheesh!!! Is there another RD you can see? I know how much that sucks.....but I dunno.......unless you think you can get it into this guys head. Paxil???? Does that work for you? I HATED Paxil! I felt like a zombie! Neasy. It sounds like you are not communicating with your RD. He is
simply not hearing what your concerns are. It should not matter to him
what it costs as long as you are able to pay the bill. It is his job to order
the tests so that you can get some peace of mind. Afterall, your emotional
health is very important. That way any physical problems will get handled
and treated. I would start RD shopping until I find one that I can connect
with. That is so important. I think if you speak up and give him a piece of
your mind, in a nice way of course, he may listen, if not, get to shopping.
Life is too short for this.

I don't know what he's smoking but maybe he should give me that script.  Man, I have had so many issues with this doctor over the last 3 years ::sigh::  I really thought I got through to him with the letter I wrote and the chat we had.  I hate the thought of switching doctors but I'm so tired of being disappointed and feeling like he is not interested in my well being.  I do have an RD in mind that takes my insurance. It's a female and she actually has RA.  That could be a blessing or a curse...not sure.

I've been on Paxil for years and have really never noticed much.  In the beginning it gave me really bad dry mouth but that's about it.  Back in my 20's my doc put me on Prozac....uhhhh, I was allergic to it, made me flip out!  That's all I'm going to say about that.

Current meds Enbrel 50mg injection, Celebrex 200mg, Plaquenil 400mg, Prednisone 15mg, Thyroxine .150mg, Vicodin, Tylox & Paxil 40mg (the cure all wonder drug as of today...lol)

I also agree that there should be an entire set of x-rays done so that you have something at the time of diagnosis and then periodic x-rays, bone scans, MRI's...something.  Not everyone gets their first erosions in their hands.  That's just ridiculous. There are people on this board that have bone scans done yearly.

It's just so frustrating!!

Peace & Love...Neasy


What is up with this doc?  He needs to adjust HIS meds lol. 

You really gotta consider another RD if you can.  Get a copy of your medical records and start searching.  This guy is on crack I swear. 



I can feel your pain.  I had to switch and four years later, hmm, someone who cares.  My largest damage is in my knees, and the doc was extatic when I told him I was having surgery on June 11.  Get the MRI, even if you have to pull it out of his posterior.  Start with the knees.  If you need help with recovery after three surgeries I have this one!!!!  Honestly, if you are not going to listen to your patients DON"T become a doc, especially in a field like ours. 

My first Rhummy told me come back when I was actually sick!!  Who in world did he think he was???

Hi, I'm new here too, but have had RA for 15 yrs. I put up with my 1st Dr. for 10 yrs. He too just blew me off everytime I saw him, I finally got tired of it & now seeing a new 1. At least I feel like I'm being listened to now. I still feel like crap, but at least I feel heard. Get a new Dr. quicker than I did. Good luck, CherylHi all again,

That is very frustrating Neasy.  My blood work has come back with anemia for the last 2 months.  My RD didn't even want to see me until I wasn't having problems with the anemia, she reduced my MTX and told me to wait for another month another blood test.  Not that she gave me anything for the anemia or investigated it further. 

I know it could be anemia of chronic diseases and many of us here have problems with anemia because of RA.    I just dose myself with cream of wheat and iron pills, but that didn't help because the second lab showed anemia too.  I go to my GP for pain relief, the adderal and other needs, even though that is all related to my RA.

Just because an X-ray does not show damage doesn't mean it is not there.  A few years ago I had excruciating pain in my shoulder.  I had an xray, no damage per the report.  I then had an MRI when months passed with physical therapy and no relief, no damage found.  I then had shoulder surgery and they found a ruptured tendon and a very large, hooked bone spur that was "catching" my muscles and tendons in the area every time I moved my arm.  They also found a lot of arthritic changes in the joint. 

I hope it gets better for you. 

Ditto what Maryblooms said about damage not showing up on x-rays and mri.  My right knee has always really bothered me.  Well, a couple of years ago my Mom had knee surgery with this great ortho who talked about joints being out of line and causing problems.  Well, I went to him and sure enough my right leg was really out of line.  He performed an x-ray and mri and the only thing he saw (even knowing my long history of RA) was the joint being out of line.  I went in to have the surgery where he realigns the joint.  When he got into my knee, he found the arthritis had eaten away all my cartilage on the left side of knee.  He didn't see anything on any scans. 

It just goes to show you that damage does not always show up on x-rays and scans and that we should not take it for granted that there is no damage.

Hi all,

I'm at work so this has to be quick.  Just wanted you all to know that I finally worked up the courage to schedule an appointment with a different RD.  This doctor has RA herself so I'm hoping all will go well.  My appointment is next Thursday the 19th.  Dang customer just walked in.

Peace & Love...Neasy

So glad you made another appt.  I understand about the let down with seeing new docs but this rd sounds awful!  I agree, baseline x-rays are in order and whats he got against the provigil??  Definitely ask the new dr about that again, it seems to be helping me, I started at the 20mg once a day.  I am at work as well and the boss is in so gotta look busy! How the heck did you get an appt this month?Time to get a new RD. I cant believe he upped your paxil. What kind of BS is that??

But but, haven't you heard? Paxil fixes EVERYTHING.


I'm kidding. ;-) Anyone seen the music video by Gray Kid called "Bringin Paxil Back" ? I'ts a parody of Justin Timberlake's "Bringin Sexy Back" It's GREAT. Google it!!!! I'd link it for you, but I'm at work so I can't get to it :(

I guess I'm lucky when it comes to appoinments.  I've never had a problem getting in.

As for the Paxil thing....I KNOW!!!  I couldn't believe it either.  Let's see hmmm....my RA is out of control and has been for over 3 years, the fatigue is unbearable, I hurt, I'm sick of feeling like crap every single day and I have an RD that just doesn't seem to get it or cooperate.  Who wouldn't be depressed?  I wonder if the thought ever crossed his mind that if we worked on fixing the issues that were depressing....perhaps I wouldn't be depressed.  God forbid he give me Provigil or Adderal for fatigue  and do an MRI....noooo sir, just up that Paxil.

On a more positive note...I'm glad I finally got the courage to make an appointment with a different RD.  I'm really looking forward to it and am hoping it will be a positive experience.  What do you all think about an RD that actually has RA?  It could be a blessing or a curse but one thing is for sure....she hasn't just studied it, she's lived it.

Peace & Love...Neasy


Peace & Love...Neasy

Neasy, Joonie - never give up - took me five rheumatologists to get somewhere, and 40+ doctors in seven years to get any sort of acknowledgement I was even ill, not "depressed".  I have been down these roads, and finally, finally, am starting to build the team a patient with a complicated disease like ours needs, not bs.  I won't use the "m" word, I promise.  Morons.  Sorry, broke my promise. 

If you don't want to say the 'M' word - I'll post directly behind you and say it.  Just trying to help!



hope it all works for ya!! what a "ma-roon" of a doc! Up's the SSRI...yeah that will make it all "better"...cripes SSRIs w/o a doubt have to be the most abusively prescribed (by GPs & other non-psych docs) medications in the US. I bet 90% of those on them are worse off as a result...it's because there is no chemical imbalance for the SSRI to fix...instead, like ya want...fix the cause of the frustration/depression.

bad doc...bad, bad....BAD doc...tie him up and force feed HIM the SSRI's while taser-ing his package!!!

BreckLundin39277.218900463I like you Breck, someday on an OT I will post my proposed "Male Organ Control Bill".  :)   My dr. sounds a lot like yours Neasy, he's very sweet ,very accomadating but seems a little addled. Like when he comes in,shakes my hand and says "what can i do for you today? i say "my neck and back hurts, he says, what do you think it is? I say i think it's the weather or i slept wrong. he says"how can i help? I say I need more flexeril and an Nsaid, he says ok and writes the script and i'm on my merry way. it's like that every time. I read on here to get advice, go to my dr. and tell HIM what i think i have and what i think i need  and he just nods and agrees, good grief

Looooove it!


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