My Mercola Update | Arthritis Information


Well...I have been on the program at Dr. Mercola's Optimal Wellness Clinic for 3 months. I originally went to him to start AP program, however he insists on metabolic testing first. I had all of my bloodwork done and my adrenals tested with a saliva test. I meet with the nutritionist, had ART (autonomic response test), and I am doing EFT (emotional freedom technique).  I am rubbing adrenal cream on the thin areas of my skin, I am exercising daily, I cut out gluten and sugar. I completely embraced this program.

I haven't started AP yet but I have to tell you that I have improved dramatically. I met with the doctor there this week and I told him I have improved but I am still frustrated with my weight and my sed rate is still high at 35. He agrees that I have to start AP. I am going back on Monday for some infection protocol testing and picking up my Minocin prescription. I am excited for even more improvement.

I am reading a book called "RA The Infection Connection". I highly reccomend it to anyone looking for the cause of the disease. I will post in 2 weeks when I get my 3 month bloodwork back and I will be 2 weeks into AP.

Thanks for all of your support..especially Gramma Skittles, Pip, Gimpy Hillhoney etc!!!


Oh, you go girl! 


P.S.  What's adrenal cream and what are thin areas of skin.  Like hands?

P.S.S. There was an interesting post on AF about 'positive thinking'.  Can you start an EFT thread?  Maybe explain a bit about it?


Thanks ofr keeping us updated! I get his newsletter and look at his site
sometimes so it's interesting to note your progress.

Oh Gena that is just wonderful!!!  I am sooooooooo happy for you!!!!  

What does the adrenal cream do for you? 

I just listened to a webcast about JRA and they are saying that everything is pointing to an infection causing RA. 

Hey GrammaSkittles, I'd love to hear that webcast! Do you have a url to

I had to edit this post to get your name spelled right. I'm getting really
sloppy about typos!Gimpy-a-gogo39276.4785532407Grammaskittles - I second Gimpy, please post a link to the webcast!

I have new labs for my daughter on AP (Zithromax) - sedrate normal (9); CRP is 1.2 (still high, but last year at this time before starting AP it was 11.6!!! Normal for her is <0.6). Everything else is normal or negative and always has been.

Good luck to you, Gena! Gena, this is wonderful news!  I am really happy you are improving so quickly.  This is the kind of good news we need around here!