Plaquenil | Arthritis Information


Okay I need advice. I have been on plaquenil for 7 months and it had did nothing so far. I am on 30mg predisone and I am in such a flare I don't know what to do?? My hands, wrist, knees, top of feet and ankles hurt so bad nothing touches it. How do all of you deal with the pain. I feel like I am on the end of my robe almost. I put ice then heat and nothing is hitting it. You would think by now something would kick in. It's been a long time and I have very few days of relief. I have to vent cause I am so stressed out lately do to the ungodly pain. And all of you are such a surport to me to help me threw this bad time. Thank you JoanHas your doctor discussed the use of a biological for you??  I am sorry you are suffering, I understand and know the pain.  Looks like you are on vicodine 5's, you can get stronger pain meds but we know that is only a temporary fix but you should not have to suffer this bad for long.  Have you tried an epsom salt bath, that might also give some temporary relief.  It definitely sounds like you need to see the rheumy to talk about a more aggressive treatment.  I hope the pain eases soon. Plaquenil alone probably won't do much for u.  Plaquenil was the first med I was on and it didn't do anything for me.  Once methotrexate was added, that's when I started to feel some relief.  Has your doctor mentioned mtx to you?


You are on 30 mg prednisone?  How long have you been on that high of a dosage?  I usually get a good response by day 3 of 15 mg.  I would definitely call your doctor.  When I first started Plaquenil, I had a good response at 3 months, and I think I was told it could take "up to" 6 months to notice a response.  I think 7 months is long enough.

Thanks all for the infromation I have tried MTX shot and pills. had a allgerey to it tried avara same thing infact I tried it 2 x and same thing and I am on low dose for pain because I have problems with that to. I take aspin 4x a day if I can't stand the pain and it will relief a little better than nothing. I get upper infections real easy so they have a problem with that to so I am domed I guess . I am thinking of going off the Plaquenil . Do you know if it can be just stoped I know the predisone can't be. Why take these meds if they don't help right. I also forgot to tell you my feet and toes and hands and fingers go numb all the time and they stay that way for a long time and then I will get the feeling back. I told my rhemy and he made nothing of it.. Thank you all for just talking with me. Every surport helps. if you all come up with some more things let me know. JoanIt isn't unusual with this disease to have to switch over to a different drug. I hope you can talk to the doc real soon. Lynda

I'm sorry you're hurting so much Joan.  I wouldn't go off the Plaquenil without speaking to your RD.  You certainly are on a high dose of Prednisone...sheesh!  I could be wrong but I didn't think Plaquenil and Pred alone could control RA.  Have you tried Enbrel? Humira?  There are several options out there.  Have you heard of AP therapy?  Pip is a great one to talk to if you're interested in that option.  She also post quite a bit of information if you would like to search her posts and read up on it.  It sounds like you definately need to change or add to your current treatment since it's obviously not working for you.  Good luck to you & let us know if there's anything else we can help you with.

Peace & Love...Neasy

Sending gentle hugs your way........