Within Our Reach: $$$ for RA research | Arthritis Information


The American College of Rheumatology announced a new funding drive.
Naturally, the link I tried to post from this laptop doesn't work. Here's the

http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&STORY= /

You have to remove any spaces the AI board put in.

And here's the website for the campaign


I'm really excited about this! This is research NOT done by pharmacuetical
companies! About things we care about, such as a CURE. Also,Dr. James
O'Dell believes there's a role for AP in the treatment of RA, as shown by
the O'Dell study.

Gimpy-a-gogo39276.4808449074I clicked on the part to see who received grants - unfortunately nothing about JRA, but I did see something about IgG!!!! I think that is great! I see a lot anecdotally on the boards, enough to know there is definitely merit, but was just shot down by an allergist when I asked for the test for my daughter. Good to know they are researching it! Here, I'm on my desktop now so I can post the actual links. I can't find the original press release I posted but this is it verbatim, as far as I can tell:

http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/news_press_release,1 38619.shtml

And the website:


And here's a little info about The Prez, Dr. O'Dell


I'm quite excited about this development.


Wooo Hoooo!

See Pip do happy, happy AP dance!

I know! I'm almost giddy and I can't believe people aren't more thrilled about this. I'm very excited by Dr. O'Dell leading the campaign, but if you click to see who has been awarded grants so far and what they will be researching, there is nothing specific to AP that I can tell (yet).

But the most exciting, exhilarating news is their mission of a departure from researching treatments only and moving towards finding a cause and a cure!

Maybe only APers think that is possible? Maybe that is why we are the only ones on this thread?   

Ah, GoGo -

The funding is from Big Pharma - the only real difference is that they're looking for the cause.

Since November, the campaign has received tremendous support from the pharmaceutical industry, biotech companies, physicians and patients.

Still - cause for celebration - O'dell is involved and as far as I can tell, didn't abandon AP.


Here you go gimpy

http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=104&ST ORY=/www/story/07-13-2007/0004625066&EDATE =

That is the first link you posted.

I just figure it this way... what ever works, and I am not ruling out anything at this time. I know I have a couple more things to try before, I would probably consider AP. But it is nice to know it is there and might be able to help me (Not entirely sure).


Even the name of the campaign is making me happy - "Within Our Reach"!!!!. But then I wondered if they spent too much on marketing..... Well, my happiness is not dampened by where the money comes from or
what they're looking at. It's way overdue for more research money to look
into this disease and plus they're looking for a cure rather than a
mangement.My thoughts exactly, gogo.

Suzanne -

Too much on Marketing.  Oh, LMAO!


I e-mailed the REF and asked that they research the infectious theory and antibiotics for RA. Some of you might like to do the same. Thanks, Gogo!

Take care, Karin
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