My Rheumy goofed, what a mess | Arthritis Information


 Yesterday I called my Rheumy's office with a list of my perscriptions needing refills before my next appt. (which I then mail into my mail order pharmacy). I've been doing this for a bit over 2 yrs now. Well, I just got a call from my Rheumy's nurse saying he will not refill perscriptions ordered from other Dr's. I told her these are perscriptions HE prescribed. His name is on the bottles and everything. She said there is nothing in my records saying he prescribed them - how is that possible? I feel like I'm in some sort of twilight zone. This is so bizarre. Rheumy won't be back in the office til Monday...They must have had someone else's chart in front of them.  That is terrible, however this is Friday the 13th.
Let us know what happened.

Oh sorry, Deb. I know when I was going to one GP, they got my medical records mixed up with some lady who had the same name and close to the same birthday as me. It was weird.

Hope things get straightened out soon.

Phone again.didn't realize it was fri the 13th, lol. I have enough meds til next week, I will call the office on mon and hopefully get it straightened out... Thanks for your replies; I was totally panicking.

Oh sheesh...they must have been looking at someone elses record.  Thank goodness you still have meds to make it through.  Make sure you have the mail order pharmacy number and who they need to talk to if you still have problems when you call on Monday.  The pharmacy can verify that HE is the doctor that has been writing the scripts that have been submitted.  Good ole Friday the 13th...Bah!!  Good luck on Monday.

Peace & Love...Neasy

I would be on their door step Monday am with my bottles with his name on them.  Also you can have the mail order pharmacy contact the doctor's office for you--at least if you have Medco.  I also think if you talk with the mail order people, if you are out of what you need, they can talk to a local pharmacy and give you a few days of meds to tied you over and mail the remainder to you.  muffles mouth from using the "m" word

Ah yes another doctor on crack. 

Go to the office Monday morning with pill bottles.  Demand refills.  Then demand doctor to step away from the crack pipe. 

lol, you guys are too funny. Unfortunately my rheumy is hours away. He comes to our town a couple of times a month, so he wont be back here until my next appt on the 23rd. I will call his office mon morning, call the pharmacy, and if I have to, take the bottles to my primary's office, show them the bottles and have them verify to rheumy's nurse. Afterall, they recommended him.

The nurse would have had to have my records in front of her to get my phone #

The nurse would have had to have my records in front of her to get my phone #

In that case I'll help Cathy out...MORONS!  No error...just stupidity!

Sounds like the NHS over here. I cant believe it. Imagine if these were meds for a heart problem and you had none left

Good luck honey.

Peace & Love...Neasy
