How to explain overnight misery? | Arthritis Information



 Went to bed almost human and woke up feeling like a monster!!


  Went to bed early and slept good (a miracle in itself)

  Hubby woke me up to get ready for church and I almost fell when feet hit the floor. Now am in tremendous pain and can't sit, cross my leg, or walk without "crunching" pain in my left hip/buttucks area.

  Feels like a "monster" slipped a bag of rocks under my behind and made me sleep there all night!

  Well thats my Sunday morning vent, hope yours is better! It's strange to see the difference a few hours makes. Oh well, maybe a hot shower and an amputation will help. Have a great day all! 





Moana, this happens to all of us, but I know that does not make you feel any better.  I truly do not know how some of us get up, go to work and carry on like we are normal! And then come home to a hungry family and  continue on with household duties.  Geez, makes me tired to even think about it! 
I hope you feel better as the day goes on.
Yeah, and try to hold off on the amputation!!  You can always do it later if you need too.


Yes Moana, that's me too.  I think that's one of the reasons it's hard for people to believe us sometimes. 

I can be fine one minute and the next be in extreme pain.  And most of the time, I don't have visible swelling.  So there's nothing for anyone to see.

Frustrating isn't it. 

RA is such a roller-coaster ride.  There are days I go to bed feeling like hell and wake up feeling like superman, then other days where I go to bed feeling healthy as a horse and then wake up feeling like I have been hit by a semi truck.

 Thanks guys for the support and advice. I decided not to go through with the amputation

  Micah (3 yrs) said "wanna hold you Nannie" I say "I'm sorry sweetie I can't pick you up, we'll have to sit down", he says "Are you old Nannie? my other Nannie can pick me up".


  Awww Anna I'm sorry you aren't getting much respite from your pain. I have days like that and they seem to get more frequent all the time. I used to have occasional disabeling flares for a week or two and then have months between without a lot of pain. I think this new frequency slowly crept up on me till I realized I was having more bad weeks than good. Now it just seems to travel from one place to the next like a bouncing ball. They'res no rhyme or reason to it just boom! like this morning.

 I keep hoping it will go away again, I am afraid to be diagnosed with RA.