muscle relaxer | Arthritis Information


Hey guys, my completely "unknowledgeable about RA"  PCP prescribed me muscle relaxer after my rheumy was not available. I came in with pain in the cervical spine, and collarbones. (NOW COME ON!!!! lol)
she gave me "flexeril" for the problem along with my bent up arm.

These docs tend to prescribe flexeril like candy it seems. They are non-narcotic, and just help you relax

No for relief in pain, but YES, to subsiding the panic and frusteration of a full on flare up, and a definite yes to actually getting some sleep.
now go get some candy!
HI, be very careful with muscle relaxants, they really don't know how they work on the brain. I usually cut them in half, take them very sparingly. I agree that doesn't seem like the right medication for you. Lynda

When the effects of prednisone were the worse for me...I think I just got used to no sleep. I tried Lunesta , sonato...No help My rhumy says she gives all her RA insomniacs Flexeril 10  1/2-1 2 hours before bed and I must say it seems to work better than the sleeping pills!

Oh geeze.  When is your RD available? 

I was just given Flexeril to take for the muscle pains and so far I gotta say I haven't slept so good since before dx! Right through the night every night for a week now! And its slowing down all the crazy muscle twitches i seem to be getting alllllllll the time.

Are they really bad? I don't know much about these.

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