From oblivion | Arthritis Information


I'm sorry I haven't been on the board or anywhere really. I had shoulder surgery which went well. But my daughter has been in and out of the hospital again including the day of my surgery. Then my kid's father was in a very bad work accident that nearly killed him. He fractured his skull, his right wrist and three places in his pelvis. I am not on good terms with him, but we will be helping him with his recovery. I think for once he was glad to see me at the hospital. We've been divorced for nearly 20 years. But he still harbors a lot of anger towards me.

I have been feeling better, but haven't had time or energy to catch up with everyone here and I feel bad that I don't know a thing about what is happening with each of you. I miss my friends here and hope to get back to daily visiting again soon.

I did hear from my lawyer. They said that my case is being reviewed right now and that I might hear something withing a week or two. We sent 4 letters from doctors to support my position. I really hope that I do get SSDI soon. It would take such a worry off me.

Take care and keep fighting.
Deanna...I'm glad to hear you are feeling better, finally, you have been in such misery. Wishing you all the best in your SSDI battle. I've always appreciated your input on this board.Hey Deanna, so glad to read your post.  You've had a lot going on and I hope that it soon settles down for you.  We've missed you.  I'm really sorry to hear about your daughter and your ex.  Be careful and pace yourself.  Take care, Lindy 

Glad to hear your shoulder surgery went well!  I hope with that and your earlier  knee surgery you are well on the road to feeling much better than you were!  Sorry to hear about your daughter and your ex.  You are very kind to help him with his recovery, but we already knew that didn't we?

Glad you will be back here soon!



Hillhoney39278.4337731482Oh Deanna, how wonderful to see you posting again!  I can understand why you haven't been with us.  We sure missed you! 
Good luck with all that's going on in your life.  I think you made a good decision when you visited your ex husband.  20 years is much to long to be angry with someone. I hope he realizes that too and appreciates your effort.

Hugs to you Deanna~~~
Oh Deanna Banana! I've missed you!!!!!! I'm sorry to hear about your ex (eh) and Julie :( I'm glad your recovery is going well though. Just take it easy and let us know how things are!!!! Love ya!!!!

It's Deanna!! I missed you!! I am so glad your surgery went well!!

Sorry to hear about the ol' ex. I hope he makes a fun recovery.

I hope you do finally hear something about your SSDI, and it is that you have been approved! That would really make my day, when I hear you got approved.

Huggs and get well soon!!

Deanna - sending lots of positive energy and prayers your way.  I'm sorry to hear about your ex - he is lucky to have you to help him through this.  I hope your daughter is doing better and that you continue to feel decent.  Keeping my fingers crossed for your SSDI to come through!  Let us know how it goes!




So sorry to hear about your ex.  I know what that's all about, but maybe this will turn him around and start making him realize what a great person he lost out on!
Take care... and please try to keep in touch.   vicki
So good to hear from you Deanna.  I hope your recovery from surgery is going well and that the SSDI comes in soon.

Hi hunny!  Miss yas and loves yas!  Sorry to hear about the kids dad.  I hope he recovers well.  I agree with what vicki said that hopefully he sees what a great person you really are. 

I am sending up prayers and good thoughts for the SSDI. 

Deanna- You are such a honey. I am sorry too about your ex. I really wish you all the best for your SSDI

I'm so glad your surgery went well. I have been wondering how you are doing. Life sounds very stressful, remember to take care of yourself. You are in my prayers.



It's great to hear from you again!  It's been tough trying to be the RA philosopher / poet / spiritual guru all by myself.


Sending good thoughts and prayers your way Deanna!

Glad you're back!


Hey Deanna,
Great to hear from you!  Always wondering how you are doing and always sending you my best wishes.  You are such an important part of the heart and soul of this board. 
Take care,
- Joy

Dear Deanna! I'm so very glad to see a post from you. I was afraid th forum had lost you

I'm so thankful that your surgery went well. So very sorry to hear about your daughter. (your ex, too)

As you can see you were missed by everybody. I know you'll have your hands full for a while, but please pop in when you can. You have come to mean so much to all of us. Most people here are terrific and very helpful and supportive to each other, but we miss your sweet words and knowledge. You have been an inspiration to many of us,

Hope you continue to heal well. And that your daughter feels better. Don't work too hard. It sounds like you really have your hands full.

Take care. Much love,


Deanna, I'm glad the shoulder is feeling better but am saddened that with all the arthritis and other autoimune issues you also have to deal with your daughters problems and and now your ex husbands recovery. You are a very kind and giving person. It is wonderful to see all of your friends here expresing their best wishes. You are one giving lady. I pray that the SSDI comes through soon so you can relax a little. Feel better soon.

Deanna, Ditto on what everyone has said. I have missed your posts too. You have always been so great with words and have helped so many people including myself feel better.

Come chat when you can.

Take care

Good luck with all you are going through Deanna.
CassieIt's was so great to log in this morning and see your post. What a time you have had. I am happy to hear you are feeling better and hope you are about to receive SSDI.
I got my fingers crossed.

Good to hear from you again, Deanna. I hope you will be up to visiting regularly now. You've been missed!


Love and hugs!!!!  May every heal quickly and that ss check arrives soon!

Oh my Deanna you've been through so much!  It's nice to see you back.  Good luck with your ssdi, let us know how it goes.

Peace & Love...Neasy

Hi Sweetie, it is so good to hear from you! I'm glad your shoulder surgery went well. Now comes the hard part - pt? make sure you keep up with the exercises, you will heal much faster if you do (I speak from experience). I'm sorry to hear your ex had such an awful accident, even though he is your ex, nobody likes to hear about anyone going through something like that. Your daughter and you are in my prayers!Wow, such a lot of nice messages. I had no idea I was missed by so many. It is nice to know and I will try to check in much more often.

My daughter is probably going to be put into the psychiatric hospital and they will determine what really is going on with her. Everyone has just been throwing pills at Julie's problems and not really trying to find out what is wrong. I have nearly lost her a couple of times in the last month. The seizure was the scariest moment of my life. Then before, she was comatose. But they just kept sending her home no matter how much we asked for better care. Finally, it seems that there are some smarter doctors involved and that they want to admit her to a hospital and go through her bipolar and other problems and then her pain issues. Julie can no longer think properly about any of this.

After living with her pain management problems, please, please do not overtake your pain meds. If you start to get to the point where you are making mistakes, get someone else involved in helping you manage them.

As far as her dad goes, he's slowly getting better and seems grateful for my help. But I am running between two hospitals and then out to his place a couple of times which is an hour's drive from my home. I am keeping up with my physical therapy. The surgeries for the knees and the shoulder were all caused by RA. I am having a lot of problems with getting the new Rheumy on board. He can't figure out my file much less anything else. But I'm too busy to fight with him at the moment.

I am also developed perpherial vascular disease and it looks like congestive heart failure. I go for a stress test on Wednesday. What clued them into this problem was the swelling of my feet and legs. So don't ignore that especially if you are having shortness of breath as well.

Thanks again for all the well wishes.

((((((big gentle hug))))) to you and Julie.  Never forget I loves yas both.  I am so glad she is finally getting the care she needs and most definitely deserves.  That sweet, kind, loving person should not go thru what she is going thru. 

How the heck are you going to do a stress test?  Are they going to do it with drugs since you have to RUN on a treadmill???  You can't do that!!! 

let us know what the stress test shows.

Our girl is back. I'm so very glad to see you here again Deanna. I pray we can help and support you as much as you have us. My prayers are with you continually. We love you very, very much.

Deanna, It sounds like you are running around from place to place. Please slow down enough to take care of yourself!  Are they gonna do a drug induced stress test? you probably shouldnt be running on a treadmill with your knees, etc. Let us know how it goes

Take care sweetie!

I have the same question for them about the stress test, but didn't get a clear answer. It's not only my knees. I have asthma normally which has made previous stress tests difficult. But I am now definitely experiencing the shortness of breath which is also the other major sign. I am a bit nervous about what this means for me. I have mitral valve prolapse since I was a child so it could be the valve is starting to wear out. That would probably entail heart surgery. I don't think I want another surgery this year.

My daughter was supposed to get moved to the psychiatric hospital this evening, but the doctor on call refused to take her and wants to do only outpatient with her. That thought terrifies me because essentially that is what we have been doing for five years now and we are at the point where she has nearly died twice in the last month. What are these doctors thinking? Hopefully the day shift doctors can work it out. As it stands, I do not want to take Julie back into my home if they don't put her into one of these programs. I cannot guarantee her safety at all. I've already spent years of doing the suicide watch thing, about 10 years of constant vigilance. It is so hard to get the mental health system to help. Please pray that she gets in. I don't want to lose my precious daughter. She is ill and needs help. Why can't they treat her like a human being and make sure that she gets it?

Yes, I am so tired. I made three visits to her today and one to her Dad. I am happy to help them survive these situations but I just wish the doctors would step up to the plate.

Oh Deanna, I wish I was closer so I could give those doctors hell for you ( i've had lots of practice lately). It just isnt fair on Julie or You.

I hope things get sorted quickly

You are in my thoughts


Deanna~It's good to hear from you. I'm sorry to hear about all the troubles you are facing....but you're a strong woman. You can do it!

Wishing you a speedy recovery. We miss ya around here.

When my mom gets a stress test, it's done with her laying down, and they speed up her heart rate with chemicals.  My guess is adrenalin, but that's only a guess.

Hopefully they will do your stress test like they did Linn's mom.  Medically induced.

I really wish I had answer for you with these docs Deanna.  It just makes me wanna fly down there and shake some sense into these people.  C'mon this is ridiculous already. 

The girls are leaving this afternoon for 3 days so we can talk in peace and quiet if you need to. 


Of course you were missed silly wabbit!

I really do not know what to say, except ....

