in a spin about Enbrel and biologicals | Arthritis Information


Firstly, I am new to the Forum so hello and thank you to everyone who has taken so much time and patience to share their experiences and knowledge of R/A.

I had been advised by my Rheumatologist and Specialist Nurse Practitioner that Enbrel or Humira would be their recommendation as Sulphasalazine no longer worked for me after 8 years, and recently in the past year MTX has had insufficient results for me to continue on the oral MTX alone.  It's now time to make a change both my R/A Consultant and I agree.  It's just so scary to make that change.  I feel queasy and confused just thinking about it but I suppose starting any new drug can make you feel that anticipation.  One day I feel I am all for the new med., then the next day,unsure.

At first this sounded wonderful - the prospect of the benefits the biologics can bring to R/A sufferers.  I have been pretty much immobile at times, specially these past couple of years, and have had to rely on regular injections of hydro-cortisone (Kenalog) at the hospital to keep me moving. 

Then I read about the possible side effects of the biologicals which can develop longer term, and although I do understand that moderate to severe R/A sufferers are susceptible to some of the diseases that could happen by having higher inflammation levels due to the disease activity of the R.A., I find now my enthusiam dampened about taking a drug such as Enbrel.

My Rheumatologist understands my concerns and she's understanding, but says she would want her sister or mother to take an Enbrel or Humira if they had R/A. She knows I have to make my own informed choice.  Hard to make that choice isn't it?!

Does anyone here recommend any good Net articles dedicated to Enbrel and Humira I could read to try and help my apprehension?   The things I've seen on-line are mainly from the meds. companies themselves.  The things I have received from the Rheumatology Department are not in depth enough.  I am going to see my GP tomorrow but time is always short for consultation.  I have an over active thyroid being treated with Carbimazole so my GP is wanting to keep a close eye on all  I do.  I have to go back to the hospital for an appointment with the R/A Nurse Specialist on 31st July, hopefully with my decision.

I am impressed though with the stories of how many of you have benefitted from the anti-TNF meds.  I do feel a little bit better about starting a new med. since discovering this Forum.  Great to know it's got so many of you up and about again and released from some of the pain that comes with R/A.

Let's all keep strength and faith.


 Today is my third month on enbrel. It has been a miracle drug for me. I was diagnosed a year ago with RA and was first put on dmards. That controlled my pain somewhat. Those meds killed my stomach and I wasnt eating a lot. I found out the hard way that I couldnt take sulfa drugs. I almost died from the reaction. I am taking imuran 50 mgs a day, 7 mg pred dailey with enbrel once a week. I use the 50 mg sureclick autoinjector. I have never missed a day at work and I dont plan on this disease putting me on disabilty. Im a 41 year old male with RA in my left hip. 

 5 Minutes after my first injection of enbrel i had relief. I thought at first it was wishful thinking. As time passed I realized that it was the enbrel working. To this date I have never had any of the side effects that I have read about.

 I was all over the enbrel website the week before I stared it. I must have read how to inject it 50 times. I also read the side effects and the clinical trial results. They made me nervous but heh, I'm willing to try anything to take away 24/7 pain. I told my doctor that it's to bad that it's so expensive because it should be available to everyone with RA.



Thanks Mike for your info.  Sounds like Enbrel is making a great difference to your life.  I am sure it would mine if I opt to take it. That's what my Rheumatologist says.  My R/A is very widespread and has severely damaged joints including my left hip too, early in the pre-diagnosis stage of R/A when my blood tests were not showing signs of R/A and I was not allowed to be on anything other than anti-inflamms and painkillers until there were visible signs of proof of R/A.  I believe, but could be wrong, that In the UK we only have the sureclick type pen for Humira and not yet for Enbrel I have been told.  I guess it will be a little while before we catch up with you in the USA for that.  I hope Enbrel continues to work well for you.  It does sound fantastic the way it worked straight away.  Thanks again. 



I've been on Enbrel since last September with great results!!

I understand exactly what you're going through...I went through the same thoughts/fears as well.  My RA doctor told me that if his daughter had RA, he'd want her on a biologic.  It took me about a month of indecision after talking to my RD before I finally deciding to start Enbrel.  I know the side effects of the meds sound scary.  But remember that the serious side effects listed of the meds are very rare...the drugs wouldn't be approved otherwise.  Also, the negative effects of untreated RA are a sure thing.  The drug companies have to list all potential side effects, no matter how rare. 

I decided that the most important thing to me was avoiding future joint damage, which would be a sure thing if I didn't go on one of the biologics.  MTX was working for me, but not quite good enough.

Best of luck with your decision.  I know it's a difficult one.  As for me, now I'm pretty close to being where I was prior to being diagnosed.  I have very little pain and stiffness.  I still have some--but it's minor and easy for me to deal with.

dordale  dordale839279.4873032407

Dear Dordale

thanks so much for your kind reply. I feel better to have read yours and Mike's replies and good news about you feeling so much better since you've been on Enbrel. It's great you are very much improved.  To be honest it's the talk of possibilities of developing longer term problems which is the scary part, but I know the risks too of developing more serious problems if not treated correctly.  I may just need a little bit more time to decide.  One thing is sure though, since coming on this site I feel more positive about the biolgicals and reading people's stories of how these meds. have changed their lives is very encouraging. Thank you again for taking time to reply.

