Using things I have learned on this sight | Arthritis Information


I want to thank Neasy for giving my the right words to use today in her post on Friday entitled "What is wrong with my RD?"

We were traveling about 45 min. away to take my daughter to the University of Wyoming for a Speech and Debate camp.  We were on I-80, which is the major commercial line for Tractor-Trailers.  I was in the passing lane and almost to the back tire when this tactor trailor pulls over into my lane.  I slam on the brakes, honk the horn and used Neasy's first line in her post.  My husband was dumbfounded (obviously not the cussing type!)  My kids were dying laughing and I was thanking God for good breaks.  We are safely home but I miss my Baby!

Wow.  Glad you made it home safely!  I hope your daughter enjoys her time at camp!!!

Glad everyone is okay and that you were able to stop in time.  I've always hated I-80...way too many truckers and farmers looking off into the fields and not paying attention the the road.

Peace & Love...Neasy

You are fine Neasy!  I agree with you on your sum of I-80.  They need to make a separate section that is baracaded from truckers that want to pass because, "oooo I can go a mile and a half faster!!"  Just to think I will have two kids in Laramie in about two years....ugh!

Take care

Ok... were the right words Mother Flipper? And did you flip them the bird?