On Enbrel | Arthritis Information


 I've been taking enbrel for 3 months now. I have heard that the drug has been around for 15 years. Is there anyone that has been on it for awhile? I would like to  know how it is working.

Enbrel like any of the RA drugs works differently for each person.  I have been on Enbrel for over 2 years.  Although I still deal with a lot of swelling, tenderness, flares and fatigue I am better than I was without it and sincerely believe that if it weren't for Enbrel I wouldn't be walking.  I haven't experienced any serious side effects so that's always a plus.  Good luck with it...it seems to be a good biologic.

Peace & Love...Neasy

Mike--I've only been on Enbrel for 10 months.  It's working well for me.  I'm pretty close to where I was prior to being diagnosed with RA.  Still have some minor pain and stiffness, but very easily dealt with.  I'm able to go over to the gym three or four times a week and work out.

I asked my doctor how long I could expect Enbrel to work for me.  He told me that many of his patients have been on in for several years with good results.  So, I'm hopeful that it will continue to work for me, and that I'll be able to continue to take it.  (I do worry that my insurance situation could change and I wouldn't be able to afford it.)

dordale Enbrel has only been on the market since 1998, so 9 years. There was a
woman who used to come here who said she has been on it for 9 years and
has had no adverse side effects. She said so often.I used Enbrel for 9 months. It just didn't work well enough on the inflammation for me to continue using it. Sarah, who used to post here had used it for 8 years I believe. She had very good results with it and felt that it had moved her very close to a remission.


I've only been on it a few months but it really did the trick for me.  It started working right away in combo with MTX.  Hope it works well for you too.


Enbrel didn't work for me, so my Rheumy took me off and had me do the remicade thing, along with mtx.   I was on it only about 4 months about 1 1/2 years ago.  Don't know if I gave up too soon????  I couldn't tell if the side effects were from that or just the RA.

Enbrel worked for me for about a year, then the effects began to wane, and I was switched to Humira, which didn't work at all. During the year I was on Enbrel, I had no adverse reactions or infections. A friend of mine has been on Enbrel for 6 or 7 years with good results, and has had absolutely no problems/reactions.

I have been on enbrel for a year now. It is working out well for me. I also take MTX. Is enbrel the only med you are on? I am also new to Enbrel; just finishing up my first month. I am using it with methotrexate, which I have been taking for about 3 months now. Although I am not suffering from any side effects, I am not seeing any improvement at all yet. I, too, am curious about how long it takes to kick in, and how well it usually works. I have a situation where I am on COBRA, and only have about 4 months before it expires. I can't work; have been off for close to two years now, as the combination of RA and Fibromyalgia made it impossible for me to continue to keep up with the pace and deal with the challenges of being an escrow officer. This stuff has so turned my life upside down and backwards. After a 30 year, successful career, I am home, in chronic pain, trying to fight depression while I take steps to reinvent myself. I'm not doing real good at the reinventing thing. Anyway - I got off track. I welcome any info on Enbrel, and how long it usually takes to start working.
Happy Father's Day to any fathers on this board. I'm off to go see mine and fix him a special meal, as it is his birthday as well. Thanks for listening.
Flower Mama
Flower Mama, I welcome you to the board!  I am sorry you are having such issues and I wish I could say I didn't know how you feel!  I have been on Enbrel since '03, only being off since last Sept., but am now back on. 

It works differently in differing folks, but for me, it took about 3 months to feel a real difference.  Don't give up;  If you are not feeling a difference by your next RD visit, talk to him/her about their expectations for the drug and also possible alternatives. 

Most of these drug companies now have support programs for financial aid to help pay for these drugs and your doctor should have the information and paper work to apply for this aid.  You can also call the drug company directly and speak with a counselor.

I also noticed you have fibro... a painful complication.  I swear, sometimes the fibro feels way worse than the RA.  I had such a difficult telling the difference for the longest!  I hope this kicks in for you soon and you feel less life pressure, as that often amplifies the pain (or vice versa!).

Take care  {{{{{Flower Mama}}}}}
I was my dr.'s first Enbrel patient (9 or 10 yrs. ago). I took it for a number of years without any major side effects. I teach middle school so my big concern was germs-but it never really go too bad. I just got myself to the dr. if I was running a fever. I went off the med to become pregnant and then my dr. wanted me to switch to something else since I had been off the Enbrel for so long. I think she was worried about an allergic reaction since your body can build up antibodies after a while.

It allowed me to get through my first year teaching and actually feel pretty good.

If you aren't happy with the med, talk to the dr. Each person responds differently to each med. What works for me, might not work for you and so on...But let your dr. know so you can feel better as soon as possible.I've been on Enbrel for 1 1/2 years.  It's worked wonderful for me.  The only time I've flared is the few times I had to stop it when I got sick.  I love Enbrel.
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