Im Bearbeall a new member | Arthritis Information


Hi I am a man age fifty and before RA had no major medical problems other than High Blood Pressure which has been under control for eighteen years. I live fifty miles from Baltimore Md and work in the Baltimore area as a CSI. I have been working as a CSI investigator for twenty one years and worked another eight years in Uniform Patrol and Vice. About a year ago the RA statrted my hand became stiff and a little swollen, some fingers began to twist, I had muscle cramps in the legs and toes, headaches, numbness and pins and needles. Loss of strength big time and some problems with balance. Now Im on a lot of meds just started Remicade July 5th, been taking MTX, Pred, PlacQ, Tramadol for pain, Folic acid and so on. Was doing ok then a bad flare and now alot more pain even my bones are tender to the touch. Some issues with the RA doctor never had X-rays or MRI am not getting blood work for liver and kidney function. MY FEARS with my job I handle dead bodies almost every day, some are homicides, suicides, overdose drug cases some unknown causes of death such as illness. I had one day where I responded to five suicides three of which were hangings, one shotgun to the head and one neck under the table saw in the work shop what a mess that was. It's my job to examine the scene and body and be present for the autopsy including taking samples from the victim during the autopsy. I also use lots of chemicals, am in hospitals alot and fear the Heptatis, Aids, TB and other illnesses and infections I come in contact with along with the soiled condtions of the crimes scenes. Lots of them are like most horror movies, blood / guts / brains / roaches / fleas you name it. With no immune system I fear catching something to make me worse and bringing it home to my family. Ive been stabbed, shot at and struck four times in my police car by drunk drivers, in some nasty fights and through it all suffered some broken bones and one bad infection requires Cipro for six or eight weeks but this RA tops all of that. Not only does the RA add to the pain relating to everday things like using a stapler, opening doors and lacing up your boots but try moving a 300 pound dead guy in a narrow hall when he has no head left and the head is in a million little bits on the ceiling and walls. Ill try almost anything both prescribed and snake oil type products in search of some relief it depends on the cost money wise. I need to stay another 5yrs to get the kids through college. A rocking chair on the front porch may be where Im headed but I plan to fight that as long as I can. I do have the support of my family however even my wife can not really feel my pain, Im lucky to have two very special Co-Workers that do more than expected to give me a hand when the flares are really active. Having RA made me thankfull for lots of little things I never took the time to enjoy before. Instead of getting angry I got smart lifes to short to live it to the max.