Hey, Dude, where’s my RA vaccine? | Arthritis Information


Did this fail? Or was it an electric car?

Lets see, it worked for some people, it was inexpensive, and the Arthritis Foundation said the study was too small. Has a familiar ring to some things I have personally heard (not to be confused with having a personal agenda, please!).

Does the Arthritis Foundation have an opinion on electric cars? Yea, An electric car for sure. 1996?

I did a Google, but can't find any recent studies pertaining to this 1996 preliminary trial. My guess is it failed. But the good news...a lot of improvement on the electric car since 1996!  :)

LOL11 people? If that's really the case, I can see why they said no to it. I wonder if they did any further testing though. It would be a shame if they didn't. It's worth a look at anyway, ya know? I like how it says there were "some side effects" but it doesn't list them. And it only seems to be something that would work on women. Not that the majority of us aren't, but still. It's interesting none-the-less. there is actually quite a bit research being done on the theory of cytokines.  But if someone really wants more information try contacting the Univ Of North Carolina Thomas Jefferson School of Medicine Research Dept and see what happened Is the Thomas Jefferson School of Med. affiliated w/UNC? The dateline for the story was Philadelphia - wouldn't that be Univ. of Penn.?.

It is interesting to read a story so old, and see wording like "until now", like the vaccine was a done deal!!!

oops...sorry..it was the link at the bottom for the Thurston Arthrtis Research Center that sent you to UNC

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