medical marijuana | Arthritis Information


I saw this documentary last night about medical marijuana use, VERY
INTERESTING! It made me wonder if any of the members here live in
states/countries where it is legal and if you have persued that route. It
seems like it would have some benefits for us..... Well, it's not legal where I live but that doesn't stop me from using it, and I believe it helps. Also, there have been many clinical studies which show it does.

And it grows out of the ground and you don't need a laboratory to produce it, so it's Mother Nature's Medicine.
A friend of mine is in a medical marijuana state and he uses it for his inflammatory OA.  He says it works wonders for him.  I'm not in a medical marijuana state, therefore, I abstain but wonder if it would make me feel better.Do you smoke it or consume it in other ways?  I usually have about 2 or 3 tokes a night because that's the easiest, but I find eating it is better. But to eat it you have to put it in a cookie or infuse it or something. I've made majun, the classic East Indian candy, a few times and that was THE BEST. I got the recipe from this book (it has a lot of good MJ recipes in it). I've never read any studies on MJ use with Arthritis patients. My b/f has very severe crohns and we've read lots about its use with that. He smokes now, and it has helped him SO incredibly much. Crohns has a tendency to kill his appetite, and yet in order to keep things moving, and keep his stomach (whats left of it) active, he HAS to eat. So it helps with his appetite, and it also settles his little daily flares. When he can feel things constricting, if he takes a few puffs it all relaxes. The only thing he hates about it is that his lungs just really HATE inhaling stuff. It's a trade off though I suppose. It doesn't give him a smokers cough, and it's not as if he's winded like a smoker either. I just think he doesn't like it. I can understand why. I was so lucky to be raised in a State where marijuana was legal.  But, alas, now its not.  But nicotine and liquor sure are legal. 

I smoke it. I definately feel better after. Helps with food, sleep, muscles, and it is not a chemical. Eating it feels like a muscle relaxant! But I find it too expensive when baking because you need so much for one batch. 

The pill form is called Marinol for those of you wondering.  They were conducting studies with Marinol using patches and inhalers at one point as well.  Personally, I think I'd rather smoke the plant even though it has not been legalized as Marinol is a synthetic THC but to each their own.  I do believe that smoking MJ helps manage pain much better than the pain medications we are given.

Try searching Marinol with Rheumatoid Arthritis...I think you'll find a lot more information.

Edited for PS....A little MJ and you'll sleep the night away.

Peace & Love...Neasy



 Lol, tried to get my eye dr. to write me a script for MJ for occular hypertension. No drop brings my pressure down. he said if they found a way to keep the eyes from being so red it would be a miracle drug for glauccoma.

 Ya know, seriously, this could be a real debated issue for some people but i'm with ya Shelly. i haven't smoked a joint in 23 years, and then it was purely to get high and party. i stopped all that when i had kids with no regrets. I would not be above a few tokes at night to get some good sleep and my muscles to relax. I hate ambien and flexeril for the drugged out side effect feeling. i have a lot of side effects from the drugs i take that i bet wouldn't bother me with MJ. Ive just never given it much thought but i'd bout do anything to sleep well and wake up not throbbing somewhere.



Moana,  I am with you.  I have always been a T-totaller about everything, and I still got this DADBLAMMED disease.  See, it doesn't pay to be good!

 Thats hillarious Shelly

 Teenagers BLECK!!! They ought to be locked up from a 13 to 21

 I beat you on the sleeping,,, my baby boy slept his first night through in K5 , he's 21 now and still attached at the hip, hummm maybe thats why i have fibro and osteo and hip joint pain I will give up a 15 year old girl!!  Who wants her??? 

MJ is a natural herb and it really ticks me off that it is not medically legal in all states.  It has proven capabilities of relieving many symptoms of many diseases.  I would have to eat it or do that patch since smoking it makes me feel like I am suffocating for some weird reason lol. 

I live in a state where a bill to make it legal went before our state congress and it was killed in 2006. 

It really does make a huge difference.  My husband just quit smoking it and he has had some chronic pain lately from a bone in his pelvis that moves that isn't supposed to move.  Before he quit he was in less pain and could go to sleep.  Now he struggles to sleep and is in more pain.  I really wish he would smoke again. 

arriscolwell, your boyfriend needs a vapouriser!

I know a guy with really severe Crohn's disease and so far it's the only
that helps him, although he recently tired Remicade and that helped a bit.

There are quite a lot of studies. To find them go to PubMed and search
marijuana or cannabis and arthritis.

GrammaSkittles, if you could find a source of a black garbage bag full of
shake (or half full) you could make some kickass butter for your man! And
yourself. And it would be economical, too!

If I could grow it in my garden, I would. I grew one one my porch once and
that was good, but now I live on the ground floor and someone would steal
it.Justin did Remicade for a while, but he became "immune" to it. He's seeing a doc at the start of August, and hopefully he can try Humira now that it's offically FDA approved for Crohn's. *crosses fingers* maybe it will be his miracle drug.

Katie- I hope Justin gets some relief from Humira


I was just realizing that with the 2008 elections in America, we will probably be shaking out alot of dead wood in Congress.  I don't know of anyone from my generation that didn't smoke pot when they were young.  Perhaps the time has come for it to be legalized for medical use.  Heck, I bet you could win the Presidency if your only platform was the legalization of marijuana.  I love the idea of one of us running the country.  Cathy I am only a few years younger, but I have never touched the stuff.  I watched while my parents destroyed their lives with it.  Made up my mind I would not repeat.  Although for a good nights sleep I would gladly. 


 I smoked an occasional joint when I was younger purely recreational and never even wanted to try more stonger mind altering drugs. A toke or two would probably be like taking  a flexeril without the side effects.

 My BIL was a dysfunctional alcoholic, in detox and rehab many times. He switched to MJ and never missed another days work, married and had a daughter that is the sunshine of his life. He's healthy, happy and hasn't drank in years. No dysfunctions, and has his life back. It truly helped him.

 I know that some of the medicines i take are toxic so am really considering this idea of MJ. Trouble is i don't know any "sellers" or where to get it its illegal here too.

 Gimpy what is shake and the butter you mentioned?



I smoked a bunch when I was younger.  Now I just keep a little around and do a few tokes when the pain gets really bad.  Unfortunately, the costo in my chest makes it difficult to inhale deeply.  Its just plain silly that mj is illegal and tobacco and booze aren't!  How many men do you know that beat up their wife after smoking a doobie????


  Thats so funny Michele, all i thought of when i saw someone on MJ was MELLOW

These days I inhale nothing but London pollution  And that's my 2 cents.Shake is the leaves of the plant. The part people use for smoking are the
buds. Shake has a very low cannabis content aqnd it's usually just thrown
away. Because pot is illegal, and shake is bulky, it's hard to buy shake or
get someone to give it to you (too big a risk for little or no payoff), but if
you grow your own or can get someone to give you some shake, you can
make some great pot butter which you can then bake with. Cannabis is
not water soluable so you need either fat or alcohol to lure it out of the

Just google pot shake butter for a bunch of different recipes.

You can also make butter out of bud, but only if you like paying a lot of
money for your pot butter. With bud I would make something more like
the candy.

That book I linked has a pretty good pot butter recipe. But I should warn
you, if you make this at home all the neighbours will smell something

Gimpy-a-gogo39280.443912037 [QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo]Shake is the leaves of the plant. The part people use for smoking are the
buds. Shake has a very low cannabis content aqnd it's usually just thrown
away. Because pot is illegal, and shake is bulky, it's hard to buy shake or
get someone to give it to you (too big a risk for little or no payoff), but if
you grow your own or can get someone to give you some shake, you can
make some great pot butter which you can then bake with. Cannabis is
not water soluable so you need either fat or alcohol to lure it out of the

Just google pot shake butter for a bunch of different recipes.

You can also make butter out of bud, but only if you like paying a lot of
money for your pot butter. With bud I would make something more like
the candy.

That book I linked has a pretty good pot butter recipe. But I should warn
you, if you make this at home all the neighbours will smell something


Wow...who would have ever figured you would know soooo much about pot? Your screen name should be "Mary-Jane-a-gogo." Grow up, Blessed. ...That was kind of rude. I'm 99% sure Blessed didn't mean anything by that comment......correct me if I'm wrong Blessed? Hello together,

I am 49 years old and suffer since my childhood of a rheumatic arthritis with joint stiffenings.   
       I have had myself registered here since I could already read something over cannabis in your extensive and interesting forum.
Within the last few years my condition has got himself back after relatively long interruption easily worsens again.
After stinging nettle, Namibian devil claw and wider herbs I then have tried out cannabis approx. 6 years ago. As first cannabis tea with cream late because of the better Apsorbtion of the active agents in the stomach as hemp-cream-schnapps (one till twice the week 0.25 g of cannabis flowers dissolved in the Alkohohl).
I otherwise don't take another medicine away from an aspirin apart from.
One because of the side effects (possible heart race, lethargy) a while to come behind all tricks,
I could with the help of sports (jog), now in the end stretching exercises and easy diet rearrangement reduce the pains considerably and win a large portion of my movability back.
I think that cannabis is actually an easy poison, so many active agents in the medicine and like this bodies trigger a healing counter-reaction in this first after that.         & nbsp;       
                One, too much so is here harmful again, perhaps comparably with cold water which one is harmful to our arthritis also over a longer time, period but helps at Kneip-kuren used as alternating hot and cold baths or casts.
Good greetings, Fügi.  
