I need a hug new doctor | Arthritis Information


Hi All:

I finally have a few moments to get caught up. I wondered where everyone went!  Update on me. I have a new rhuematologist and I burst into tears at my first visit-- he was telling me I didn't have RA and that it was just fibro and he saw no evidence and I just felt miserable. He didn't even check my joints. The old doctor checked my joints and was very thorough. I DO have RA my last doctor,my regular doctor, my pain doctor and my accupuntirist know it. They can see the damage in my hands! It runs in my family!  I am soo scared about the next appointment. What can I do to ge this guy to straighten up and fly right??? He just seemed so know it all! 

I have had these illnesses for 9 years now. Any suggestions are most welcome!

Have a low pain day!


I'm not sure why you left the old doctor?  I would request a copy of your writtern records from your old doctor.  When you see your new doctor, I would confront him with the written notes (observations your old doctor noted) and see what he says.  You might also ask around for another RD.

Hope all goes well,


How frustrating for you!! I would just be aggressive and
forcefully say, "NO, you are WRONG!! What you are saying is
totally unacceptable"!!!   And then just keep repeating that.

Or, ask the new Doc for a referral to a Doc that is familiar with
RA, as he obviously isn't. You really have to be your own
advocate in these situations. Only you know how you are
feeling and how much pain you are in. Don't give up and don't
settle. It can be so tiring to fight it, but you are worth it.  It is hard when someone doesn't believe you esp. a doctor. I think that all doctor like that one should have to suffer one day with what we have so then maybe they will understand.
Keep trying to get him to understand. If he won't can you try another dr.?

I am seeing a new Rheumy in March and I am scared to death. I have to fly to Seattle to see him. The hard part is getting them to understand what you have been through and to know your joints. Since I will onlly see him 2x a year at most it will be interesting.
Good Luck!



I am sending you a really, really big hug!!! I agree with the others, try to get him to listen, if he won't just say bye bye and find you another one. We are all under enough stress already, and don't need to add an uncaring rd to the list.


Here is a really really really big hug!
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