X-Rays ? | Arthritis Information


Can you get photographic copies of your x-rays? I want to see what my hands look like. I am sure the new RD will order x-rays when I go to see her. But I want to see just how fulgy my hands look from the inside. The outside look pretty bunked up, and there is one part of my left hand I think my middle knuckle is down inside the palm of my hand. No doctor ever mentioned how my x-rays looked, just never cared to know, except now... I think I am starting to care a little more

It's very convenient to be able to take it to my other doctors.I have several from different dates of my spine, before and after my fusion surgery. And the neat thing is that they are all on one disk.

If you can, try to get copies of CD's if they use them. Or at least the reports. I also get my blood test reports from all my doctors. I keep files at home and if I see a new doctor, I am able to show them something tangible.

I have only gotten 1 report of my x-rays and 1 report of my blood work. I think I might start asking for more of them and keep a record of it all.

I have a major issue with your imaginary friends butting in on my major issues!  

Great avatar joonie!


          I live in Alabama.  Small town called Cullman actually.  I travel to Birmingham to see my rheumatologist.  I was just curious what town your dr. was located in. Thanks, Sandy

My current RD is in Alexander City. The new RD I got referred to is in Auburn.

I have been to the Kirklin Clinic at UAB. That RD was the "I will cure you" type. She was also very rude, and did not really understand me and the way my life was.

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