ra and exercise | Arthritis Information


Two days ago I started feeling my hip and knee pain getting worse and it has continued to worsen.  I have been trying to ignore it.  I felt really crappy yesterday, a lot of pain, but had plans to go to my yoga class.  I thought "maybe yoga will make me feel better".  In the past, yoga has given me back some of my flexibility but I have never done it in a flare.  The point is - be careful of exercise when you are in a flare.  I am in sooooooo much more pain since yoga.  While I was doing it, I was in such pain but it was a class and I didn't want to leave early.  Now my hips, butt and knees are on fire.  I think there is definitely a balance with ra between exercise and rest.  I am learning the hard way as usual

Sorry you're still feeling awful

Get lots of rest this weekend....start collecting spoons

My hips always bother me, knees have been bad last couple of days and this morning all the muscles surrounding them ache.  I just had a nice hot soak after reading Cheryl's post....felt great, only problem was trouble getting out of the tub

Feel better Roxy,


Sorry to hear that Roxy, I hope the pain dies down soon and you start to feel better.

I keep hearing of people doing yoga and have heard it is a very thearaputic form of exercise. I have no idea what it involves exactly different random poses. Sounds good though for flexibility and a stress relief. Thinking of having a go myself. What doe sit involve and is it worth doing? Thats when your not achy of course!

I've never been big on exercise. I tend to save my energy for task I have to do such as house work...yard work...and my general mobility. I know it sounds dumb; but in my case an afternoon at the mall is truely exercise for me.Lovie,  Normally yoga is VERY GOOD for my ra.  It increases my flexibility A LOT, it also relaxes me and lowers my stress level.  This time it was a case of, trying to force myself to feel better.  I am having a hard time being a newlywed and not feeling good.  In fact, I am hurting pretty bad the last couple days

You hang in there...and don't be afraid to tell Brett to go; hike, do his own thing. You need to rest and take it easy or you'll feel worse!!

It's going to take some time to adjust. Don't get down on yourself or the situation. You'll get use to things...and so will Brett.

Try water aerobics. It has saved me. Go in the deep end and just do what you can. I highly recommend it. I go all the time. I don't know what I would do without it.Roxy; so sorry you're feeling badly.  You're between meds right now so I would take it easy.  You're flaring now and exercise is not the answer...it only makes the pain worse.   Rest up today and maybe later you and Bret can do something together....a nice warm bubble bath!!   

As far as cardio I use the eliptical and I do weigh training.I probably have some kind of exercise disorder.No matter the pain I will still try and go to the gym but it's the fatigue that wipes me out.

A good caring husband is hard to find.Sounds like you have a good one.Let him take care of you,he loves you.Does he have a brother?Just kidding, I am a married lady.My husband hasn't got a clue when it comes to taking care of me,he is from the old school.There is no changing him.You are starting out fresh.let go and let him share the burdens and take care of you.

A quick sad but funny story,atleast now it is.

A few years ago I had a hystorectomy due to endometriosis.I pleaded with the dr. to let me go home the next day so I could take care of my girls that were sick.So he did.When I got home that day my husband leaves me to go hunting.Here I am on the couch,sick children and my husband is out trying to kill a deer.When he came back he knelt down beside me and apologized for leaving me.I noticed in the middle of his forehead was a big black bruise.When he tried to shot a deer the gun kicked back and hit him in the head.Now that is karma for ya!

Do lots of research.  You found us so I suspect you have already started.   This is a good place to start.  There is a lot of experience on this site.  I am relatively new but there are some folks on here that can answer your questions better than most gps and even some rheumys. 

I can relate to your love of exercise.  I am trying to learn balance. 



  You are in a great place as the people on this board are so helpful.

  I also started with a low-positive RFactor and my internist did not want to diagnose RA since it was low-positive ( SED was negative). He had me come back in four weeks to retest and it was still low-positive but had risen a little from where it was, so he told me it could be RA.

He then refered me to a rheumoatologist. My pain started in my feet, hands, one wrist, and  one knee.

 Hope you will get some answers soon.

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