Advocacy Summit | Arthritis Information


I am starting this thread in hopes that everyone will contribute to this topic throughout the year. Here we will post things we would like to be addressed or things that we would like to present at the next Advocacy Summit.

Here is a link to Advocate Priorities

It would be great if we can keep this post on the first page as much a possible, to help get the word out and to get more support.


Well, I don't know if my input is wanted because I'm not an American, but if it is I would say there should be a lot more government funding for non-partisan RA research. OMG anyone that is able to go to this comming years summit should go.  It was awesome this past Feb!!.. Thanks Joonie for starting this p


Interesting, but I don't get one thing.  What are you doing there if you are not an advocate?

The upcoming Advocacy Summit is one of the best opportunities for persons with arthritis to share their personal stories of how arthritis affects their daily life with Members of Congress and their staff. 

That is what the website says about the virtual summit.

Shannon will be able to answer a little more on it, as she went to the last one.

Oh yeah, heh heh, I did read that. heh heh heh.BUMPWow, you guys are more forward thinking than Australia. From what I have found there is a serious lack of advocacy here. It is a very real problem for RA sufferers. What a fabulous idea!
YAY ok im gonna ramble boutthis Linncln your gonna regret it LMAO...Ok so this is what we did in last years summit.  They have the adults in one section (the kids go in a seperate part that explains things in kid words) and they have various people talk about what is going on in the world of RA research and about laws that are being passed etc.  That was what we did in the morning, then in the afternoon we went w/ other people from our state to our senators offices and met with their aids (they were in session so we couldnt meet w/ them, though i saw Obama walk by


Linda, I do think that we accomplished something.  We did get a lot of sponsors and co sponsors.  Let me talk w/ my "political advisor" and refresh my memory about bills being put on the senate floor and what not.  Heh heh heh..ok, let me know what your advisor has to say!!Linda I spoke to my "advisor" and this is what he has to say.  For a bill to become a law it has to be put on the record 3 times and both the House and the Senate have to pass the bill for it to be sent to the president.  The Senate has had more progress then the House has with this bill so far.  Im not sure what happens after that, i obviously didnt pay to much attention in Government class LOL I can find out more if you need me too