Can we be blood donors? | Arthritis Information


I have donated blood several times in the past and this summer they are sending me tons of notices to do it again.  (Red Cross)  In the past (prior to Methotrexate) I donated, then had to stop when I was on MTX, and donated after I'd been off it.  Now I am back on MTX and wonder if I can be a donor.  I looked at their web site and it doesn't mention MTX as being one of the meds disallowing blood donation.  Does anyone else know?  Thanks!!

Molly BeeNo...I was told that since I had an autoimmune disorder I was out of luck.
They might be desperate for blood but I guess not that desperate.

BeckyThat is what I thought too rocckyd. My mother-in-law is no longer able to donate blood because she had Hodgkin's Disease. I remember her saying I more than likely would not be able to give blood because I have RA.Ahh I didnt know that, good to know :)

I have donated blood since my RA diagnosis though.  They merely asked me every single time if I had any swollen or red joints because they didn't want my blood if I was flaring.

The only time I was turned away was when I was on MTX.  I kind of thought that had not changed and apparently it has not.

Thanks for your input, guys!!

Molly Bee

Your Welcome even though I do not think you talking to just wanted to say something else as well.

It would not really matter much to me if I could donate MY blood. I am very attached to my self-attacking I use to give enough of it with lab works and all that donating would probably make me run low on know you cannot run low on blood...but it is just the thought of the needle in my arm or the sight of the needle being jabbed into my poor helpless vein. I more then likely would never donate blood, I would probably need to be forced into it like the doctors do about liver enzymes, kidney enzymes, and low blood cell count....In it's self they take what feels like a pint (4-5 viels full).

You are welcome, too, Jooniper!!

Take care.... I looked this up awile back because someone else asked.  Today I called the local  Red Cross directly.  Their policy has changed...MTX no longer stops you from donating blood.  The Biologic meds, they'd have to get a clearance one.  Those were the ones I asked her about.  She said that of course if you had hot, swollen joints they would ask you to wait until that subsided.  But, basically if you are not actively showing signs of swelling, you cna donate, unless you happen to be on a med they do not allow.  Contact your local Red Cross with may be surprised at their answers. Let me also note that I did make sure that the lady knew I was referring to RA specifically. 

I have never been told I couldn't donate blood because of RA.  If anemia is a problem because of the RA or the meds though, that can be a different story.


Thanks so much for checking that out. 

...and you're right, CTuit, that anemia always stops any donations from anyone with that condition.

Molly Bee

