Injection into the joint problems | Arthritis Information


The couple of days after I get an injection in my knee are just real bad days for me.  Hurts...swells...stiff...can't go up and downstairs...totally blechy. 

Try massaging it and moving it around like shelly said.  That can help it a lot.  A little heat on the area helps me also. 

I hope it feels better soon!!!

It can be that way if the joint was very swollen before the injection.  With all the swelling there is not a lot of room in the joint space for the injected medication.  Just move it as much as you can and it should ease in a couple of days.


 Pin I have had numerous cortizone shots in my joints. I wait until i can't stand another minute of the pain in my shoulders or back and then go for the shot. By then i'm in pretty bad shape so the shot hurts like heck, but i have always had relief as soon as a few hours later. My Ortho Dr. said some Dr.s didn't know how to give a shot properly and they wouldn't help all that much.

 My Dr. puts the shot in slowly in the sorest spot stopping every few seconds to mash and massage the med into the joint to break up the "stuff" in and around the joint. Its almost pass out painful, but he mixes Lidocain with it to numb it some,it helps. I hope you feel better soon and like everyone says move and massage your joint!
