Does parafin wax help with hands?? | Arthritis Information


I was complaining to the PT, while we were working on my knee about my hands and she looked at them.  She gave me exercises and putty, but also said that parafin wax baths for your hands and feet work really well with arthritis.  Is this true??

the parafin wax is really nice for the hands.  The heat can give you relief from the pain and help improve range of motion especially if you work the hands right after the wax comes off.  An added benefit is tha mineral oil in the wax really makes your hands nice and soft

It's wonderful for the hands!  And the feet too!I bought my paraffin dip and machine at Wal-Mart a couple of months ago.  I believe it helped somewhat with pain relief and makes my hands smoother.  with the psoriasis making my hands smoothe would be nothing short of a miracle. 