Cleaning House UGH! | Arthritis Information


Let the cleaning begin! UGH!

I have started cleaning the house for this weekend. I seem to be having BIG plans on the cleaning part

I have started... I picked up most of all the stuff that should not be out in the open and threw it in the old bathroom/utility room. See... that is why I wanted a house with CLOSETS!! Way easier to clean up clutter, just throw it in a closet

I do not know if I will do half the stuff on my list to do, but I am going to try. I just hope I can stop before I hurt myself or even get grumpy. I am doing ok today.... not much pain, or swelling, just afraid of the pain I might encounter if a joint decides to pop out and back in... that pains shoots all the way up to my brain! I would take a muscle relaxer before starting but all it would do it make me even more tired than I am already.

I am on my break right now. I have already moved around and picked stuff up for about 20 mins. Now, let's see if I can keep making myself take breaks and then feel like getting back up to finish

Here's what my rheumy said - when I have a lot to do, turn on the tv when it goes to commercial, get up and do dishes, laundry, etc. until show comes back on which is my signal to take a break. Hard to over do when on this schedule. Unfortunately for me, I hate watching tv and I have a very hard time sitting down during the day.

Another thing to try is to set a timer for 10 min. Do what you can durning that time then take a break....

Linda - Umm.... yeah... we are out of frquent flyer miles

Nothing good on right now, and the kids are hogging the TV, and the next best tv in the house is in my room with my nice comfy bed and a fan that blows right on me

I think I will try the 10 min timer thing. Thanks for the idea Relax Joonie, My mom is a neat freak and every time she came to visit I would be frantically cleaning the house to get it up to her standard.  Even then she would ask me "would you like me to help you clean up".  I gave in and let her have the "pleasure" of commenting and clean up to her standards.  We laugh about it now.  

Ok, on my second break. I am listening to my daughter complain about folding clothes. UGH! See... it is just better for me to do it myself, otherwise I have to hear her run her mouth the WHOLE time she is doing what I told her and it takes her HOURS to do what I told her to do. Even I can get it done in less then an hour if I push myself!

I have washed a 2 loads of laundry... picked up, now I am working on cleaning up around the computer desk since it is in the dining room and there is a paper mess EVERYWHERE!!!

  AW Joonie be careful or you won't be able to enjoy the party. i put up corn which should have taken about 2 hours but i paced myself and it was an all day job. I wish you could get some help, tell daughter that its her party and to help with no complaining or you will cancel. She may change her attitude

Joonie, she's right, and besides, no one will care about your house anyway.  If they do then who cares about them, they're idiots.  Seriously, is anyone going to be saying "well, it would have been a great party IF their wasn't paper by the computer"?

Thanks for the advice everyone! ONe good thing is hubby is washing the dishes, not sure if I want to eat off them with him washing them, but at least they will not be all piled up in the sink anymore.

Well, we probably are going to go get my mommy on Friday evening, have not told hubby nor my mother, but once she is here she will help me straighten up and make sure everything looks presentable.

I am just trying to get as much done as I can by myself, and with what little help I can get from daughter. I have already threatened to cancel her party if she did not help, but she knows it will not happen because her granny will not me do that.

My shoulder blades are on FIRE again! I guess it is time to take a muscle relaxer.

   LOL Linncn, putting up corn means cutting it off the cob, cooking it for five minutes, cooling, put in freezer cups and pop into freezer. You will have fresh wonderful creamed style corn all winter (or till you run out). DEE-LICIOUS

Hmmmm...I just might have to try that.

I do not know why my legs were acting up like that, but they seem to do when I bend over for any amount of time, and gets worse the longer I bend over.
