Arthritis Information -Old whine from newbie....Hi, everyone!!!


New here. I have both psoriatic arthritis, and rhuematoid arthritis. Was diagnosed about 6 months ago by a rhuematologist. She has me on predisone, methotrextrate, and I go have  the Remicaide i.v. treatment every six weeks. I was only going every 8 weeks but she has increased my remicaide and also frequency. She upped my methotrexate to 6 pills a week instead of 4. I am on 10mg. lxd of predisone.  I thought you couldn't have both RA and PA. Doesn't matter I guess, It still hurt like.....

I also have osteoarthritis. I take mobic for that. But today, I am Really hurting, bad!!! I know I am whinning....

Anyone else have such terribly pain filled days! I wish I knew if was the osteoarthritis or the rhuematoid...would that matter either?

Just a bad, bad day...needed to vent
