Bad day for RA. Whine. Whine | Arthritis Information


New here. I have both psoriatic arthritis, and rhuematoid arthritis. Was diagnosed about 6 months ago by a rhuematologist. She has me on predisone, methotrextrate, and I go have  the Remicaide i.v. treatment every six weeks. I was only going every 8 weeks but she has increased my remicaide and also frequency. She upped my methotrexate to 6 pills a week instead of 4. I am on 10mg. lxd of predisone.  I thought you couldn't have both RA and PA. Doesn't matter I guess, It still hurt like.....

I also have osteoarthritis. I take mobic for that. But today, I am Really hurting, bad!!! I know I am whinning....

Anyone else have such terribly pain filled days! I wish I knew if was the osteoarthritis or the rhuematoid...would that matter either?

Just a bad, bad day...needed to vent

Sorry you are having a very bad painful day. I hope it subsides for you soon.

Welcome to the board! Feel free to whine, vent, and ramble.

 Vanessa ive been whineing for a week now and am still in much pain. My hubby is tired of it so is making me go to GP tomorrow. BIG BULLY!! Anyways I think i am having sciatic problems (BTW the nerve? pain has traveled to my heel now

Wow! I am being treated with the exact same drugs.  I had an awful flare some months ago and my doc has increased my Remicade by 3X and monthly!, also 20mgs of mtx and on a Prednisone 15-10-5 mgs for a week each.

I'm sorry you have been in pain, I feel certain you will be better with these increased amounts. It has really helped me!! Keep posting as I'm concerned about your 'pain' and I hope you feel better. Let us know. Lynda

Welcome to the board.  Sorry you are not feeling well.  But we are here for you and we totally understand what you are going thru.

My RA and OA feel a little different.  My OA is more of a sharp pain than the achy throbbing pain of RA. 

Thanks all of you. You are sooo right about not bothering your family about this. My husband is the picture of health, and I get saddled with this. Thanks for the support. I want you to know I am here for you to because I KNOW what you are going through. My husband is very supportive, but I hate to say anything, so I am so glad I found fellow sufferers. May we ALL have good days.Vanessa, I have this joke about my pain levels...normal is 7/10 - that is where I can do my life at a manageable level...high is 12/10 - things are starting to get me down...extreme is 17/10 - that is 'give me pain killlers now' level.

Yes, the pain can be absolutely unbelievable. It can stop you sleeping. Stop you functioning. Make you cry and make you despair.

Meditation has been a big help, especially Buddhist meditation.

But the thing that really gets me through day after day is if I can retain my sense of humor and a somewhat positive attitude about life...I can almost endure anything. Easier said than done though some forgive yourself when you lose it. And you were only diagnosed six months ago...I believe it takes many years, probably 3-5 to actually start to manage this disease and your life around it. It's going to take you some time. Be gentle on yourself through the process. It is not an easy one.

This place is for whinging, whining and venting. That's why it exists.


Careful now, you could exceed the three disease limit! 

You didn't mention pain pills.  Do you have some for those really horrible "I just can't go on like this" days?  If not, please ask your doctor for you don't have to live in pain.


Hi and Welcome to AI

I agree with IslandWoman, if you don't have something for pain definately ask your doctor for something.  It doesn't make it go away but it does seem to take the edge off.  I hope you feel better soon.

Peace & Love...Neasy

Vanessa and everyone else,

After several years with RA, I am doing pretty well with this disease.  That said I still have episodic pain and days where I wonder where the relief has gone.  Today the knuckles of both hands are throbbing...and there's a high pressure area outside where dark clouds are gathering.  Yeah, tell that to my joints.  (lol)

Also my right ankle tends to ache and swell at the end of the day.  Makes walking rather difficult, but not impossible. 

I think any improvement to horrific joint pain is positive.  And when I can do what I need to do--for the most part--then I am grateful and tend to keep going. 

I kind of miss my naps.  With Remicade I don't require them anymore.  I had no choice but to rest periodically (and doze) before the biologic was added.

am's to a day with diminished (or no) pain for all of you.

I take ultracet for pain, but it just about worthless and I mean worthless. Before I was diagnosed with RA I was taking so many Tylenol a day that my liver enzymes were way off. Ultracet is tylenol based so if I took as many as I needed I would be in the same situation.

Does anyone here ankles and knees swell from RA or psoriatic arthritis? 

Me again...Vanessa.

I forgot to ask about your hands and wrist. Do yours swell also?? Why does RA make you swell? Does anyone know??

Another bad day.

When I do finally ease up on the pain you all better watch out!! I am a fun loving nut...

Thank God for the good days.. One of the reasons that you swell up is the old enemy of inflammation!  Creates excess fluid in and around the joints.  That is what does the damage to our joints and bones.  Hi vanessa, I can't wait for you to feel better we could use a little 'crazy fun stuff' on this forum. Yes, anything and everything imaginable can swell, get stiff and hurt!! ? Ya never know what's next. Lynda

Cordelia, Yes, I was diagnosed just a short while ago. Actually my husband informed me it was longer than that.(this time)  I was diagnosed back in my 20's, and I had gold shots, and it went away. We moved, and since I was better, I never went back to a dr. for ra. I figured the dr. didn't know what he was talking about. To make a long story short, I denied, denied, denied. I had seen my grandmother who had ra. and I was NOT going to end up like her! (out of sight, out of mind sort of thing)

Linda M.. you made me think about life with ra.

Life with RA is like a roller coaster. The highs (no pain) are really good and the valleys (days of pain) are the lows.  We that have RA are like people who ride on a roller coaster blindfolded.
