Injection Question | Arthritis Information


I take Humira once a week. I was wondering does it matter if where you inject it is really fatty? Or does it have to be semi-fatty?

I am asking because I inject into my belly, but more toward the lower bottom of the bellybutton about 2 inches away. And sometimes it seems like the Humira does pretty good one week and not so good the next week or I have a couple of ok weeks. But I am not sure if where I am injecting it is causing me to have weeks like that or if it is just that the Humira alone is not enough.


Do you rotate injection sites at all?   That might help also.  I'm not sure on the really fatty or the semi fatty thing.  Your aim is not so much a fatty area I would guess but more an area where you can pinch enuf skin so that the injection goes under the skin. 

Does Humera come in a sureclick shot, like an epipen?  It makes enbrel super easy to inject.Yes, I rotate from left to right, and up & down. Yes they do Linn.  Very easy to use.  So easy in fact, Danielle does my shots for me lol.  My daughter always wants to give me mine, but the look on her face when she sees me do it makes me think she might flinch at the wrong time.

Tonights shot went pretty well. I was to take it last night, but hubby fell asleep and well... I did not want him all sleepy and groggy eyed jab me with a needle. He could have missed and jabbed me in the thight! Or somewhere else! You should be able to pinch a good amount of skin up to inject into... probably a good inch or tummy is kind of chubby so it is not a problem 