Ack, pain, bloodpressure and swelling | Arthritis Information


Oh my!  I have been feeling increasing crappy over the last couple of days, weather is humid, storms brewing and the stress of this weekend plus my boss is being a jerk.  I go in this am for my acupuncture and massage feeling pretty rough.  Despite being on a catapress patch for high blood pressure, mine was 160 over 110-its all from the pain and swelling, the only time my blood pressure is high is when I am in PAIN!

So everyone was running around freaking out because it was so high.  The massage therapist couldn't do much because I am SO swollen all over, I have no neck, just puff, my hands and feet feel like they are going to explode from the swelling.  I just want to poke them with a needle and pop them like a big blister!

They wanted me to stay until my blood pressure went down but even after being there 2 hours and a 60mg shot of tordal, it only went down to 150 over 105, pulse was almost 100.  I told them they either have to admit me to the hospital or I have to go to work because I am taking tomorrow off to go to the wedding that I don't want to go to!

They gave me another shot and told me to put another catapress patch on to help lower my blood pressure and were mad that I insisted on leaving but I explain unless I am in the hospital, I just can't take off work right now.

So, here I sit, nauseous as heck from the shots, still swollen and hurting, waiting for 6 pm than I have to take me boys (dogs) to the sitters

I am reading you loud and clear! So sorry you are not feeling well. At times it hurts so bad that it makes you want to cry..

Here's hoping you will feel better soon!!

None of my business but could you not tell the "marriage couple" of your medical problems and bow out gracefully. Send a nice gift and be done with it??? Just curious.  Life is hard enough with medical problems without voluntarily adding to it. IMHO

michele, I am so sorry you're feeling so awful. The stress of this weekend is really affecting your health. As I was reading your post, I almost hoped you were hospitalized. Please do what is best for you and your health. Hubby will just have to understand!

((((((hugs)))))  I loves yas Michele!!!  Your blood pressure could be up because of pain and STRESS.  This upcoming wedding has you under more stress than I have seen you in for awhile.  Maybe it is also time for a new hypertension med too.  That is like above and beyond stroke level that you are at.  Somewhere, somehow, something is wonky and it sounds like along with stress you are retaining way too much water.  All that puffiness is fine indication of that.  Instead of shots of toradol and a catapres patch, someone should be looking at the cause of this. 

Pimp out your seat in the car and make it as comfy as possible.  If possible, maybe try laying in the back seat for part of the trip or all of it propped up with some pillows. 

I wish I lived closer so I could babysit the boys.  Wouldn't they come back home spoiled rotten LOL!!!  I really wish you could have taken them with you tho. 

I know you love your hubby, but at this point he can bite my shiney hiney lol.  Making this to be worse than it is.  Oh yes dear, I really want my blood pressure at stroke level

Take it easy as possible PLEASE!!  And remember, if you are concerned about your blood pressure over the weekend, pop into the local fire dept. and they do BP checks for free.  Plus if it is super high again there are trained professionals to help you out with that right there. 

I loves yas and you will be in my thoughts this weekend. 

Thanks girls.  I am considering going next door to the dentist and seeing if they can check my bp there.  I am REALLY, really dizzy, sweating with the air set at 68, I am shaking all over amd my heart is racing, I feel like I am going to puke and I can barely see straight.  Not sure if its a reaction to the toradol, have had it before, or my blood pressure.  I am alone in my office, luckily, my girlfriend is only a short distance away getting her hair cut and is going to stop in and sit with me for a while.  Man, I haven't felt this awufl in a long time....... Michelle, I am really worried about you! you need to get YOUR HINEY back to the dr. asap, and I mean NOW. This is crazy, You are gonna kill yourselt trying to please hubby and everyone else. Who is looking out for everybody, you and everyone. Who is looking out for you? nobody. You owe it to yourself and your children to be healthy and well. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and bow out of engagements. That's life. If they refuse to understand, I say screw 'em - sorry, but I am spitting mad it has come to this!

(((Michelle)))  I agree that you sure contact the doctor.  I worry about your symptoms and how terrible you are feeling.  I feel particularly worried when one of us here says they feel absolutely awful.  It has to be bad.  Blood pressure is a huge issue and you need to get it checked and under control so you will be well.  You need to be okay so those around you can be okay.  Please take care and do what's the very best for you!!!

Let us know how you are doing!



The way your feeling sounds scary Michelle.  Do whatever you gotta, everyone will just have to understand or get over it.  I'll be praying for you over the weekend.  Take care

I am puking mad at the moment, barfed twice in the last 10 minutes or so.  Haven't eaten so mostly just stomach acid and bile, not pleasant.  Luckily, no one has come into the office.

Michelle, please call your dr!

I understand your need to please everyone, I have the same disease! But really, your having this reaction for a reason, and you can't help anyone if you stroke out. We all need to stop worring what everyone without RA thinks of us, They don't have to go through what your going through. Including hubby.

Please take care of yourself, so you will beable to take care of YOUR family - heck with the bil, they obviosly don't care about you!

Go back to DR

I called the doctor and she said all I could do was go to the hospital but I know that won't get me anywhere, been there done that, several times.

My girlfriend came and sat with me and made me eat.  Its 4:30 now, I am going to leave shortly after 5, no one has been in all day.  I will drop my boys off oh sweetie, please, please be careful. Your boys need you. who the heck cares what bil and all thinks about you? I will be worrying all weekend, so use the hotel's courtesy computer to send us an update.I certainly will try to log in and give an update from the hotel, not sure if we have in room service or what they offer, its a pretty cheap hotel!

Just for the record, my boys are my two puppies, Harley and Oliver.  I can't have children though so they are my babies, the go to work with me everyday and sleep with me, everything.  The hotel doesn't allow small pets and I called several others in the area but its a rural area and no hotels would accept them, even in creates.

I am a newbie, Michele, but I do hope you feel better. Life's a beach when you are sick. I find that medicine sick can make me sickest of all.

I do hope your b/p is o.k. I have found that the more pain I am in the higher pulse and b/p is.

Take care of yourself. You are the most important person you have. 

Michelle, I have gone to so many things that I did not want to go to.  I don't do that anymore.  And as I always say Michelle, "Someone is going to be unhappy here, but by golly it won't be me!"  Stand up for yourself or you will remain sick and miserable.  I am really concerned about you Michelle.  You need a hug and Will needs a kick in the butt!  So there, I feel better saying that and I hope that you will feel better too.  Just look forward to coming home to Harley and Oliver.  

I think Will needs a kick in the but too.

I pray things calm down for you after this blasted wedding!

I am praying that you come through this mess alright.

Shame on your husband and his family. Their behavior is way past rude and ignorant. It borders on evil.

Perhaps you should have 2nd thoughts about continuing with these people.

Yup, I am feeling blunt today. I admit this is harsh but holy cats it is so wrong to put pressure on you like this. I do not want to read about your funeral.

Love yah. (At least enjoy some wedding cake.)

marian39282.744375I hope you catch the bouquet by accident :) 

Just be very careful, Michele. Don't let them talk you into helping with clean up and such.

If your blood pressure continues like it is, I really hope you consider, at the very least, staying home. Your health is more important than their feelings getting hurt. Actually, it sounds like your BIL has no feelings, just demands.

Take care, Sweetie. Keep us posted.




You poor darl, Michelle. See this is what stress can do to our bodies when we have RA. Stress so effects it...major.

Wow, there is just so much pressure on you and Will about this stupid wedding. Yes, Will probably does need a kick in the butt but families can put so much pressure on about these big events. And people become so narcissistic about weddings...sounds like the whole family is except you who is just trying to survive it.

This is about standing up for yourself but whether you are even able to do that health and energy wise is debatable. Eventually though I think we all get to a point where we say, no, reached my limits now. RA certainly teaches us that.

Take care.

Michele- How are you doing now? Time difference makes my posts a bit belated. I hope you have your BP sorted. You need to STOP!!! If you are feeling like this DONT GO TO THE WEDDING. Will needs to understand and stand by your decision. Life is too short .Its bad enough having a chronic illness without having the in-laws making you ill as well. Get medically checked, go home, climb into bed pull the cover over your head and tell the lot of them to GO TO HELL

Thinking of you