grammaskittles | Arthritis Information


your box is full, at least it said the message wasn't sent because you have recieved too many messages, boy, you are popular!!!!!

I got your pm though and thank you......pillow and blanket set by the door.  Don't you think if you puke at work, it should be an automatic go home free card?????  My boss is being such an asshole!!!!!!!

Oy vey...thanks for the heads up hunny.  Glad you got my message tho. 

Yes, puking is a go home free pass go several times card lol.  Ohhhh there is an idea.  Barf on BIL shoes LOL.  Man I am going to heck in a handbasket lol. 

Puked twice, boss still won't let me go home.........

Next time, puke on your boss

Seriously, what a dweeb.  Sorry you are having a bad day


Michele, thats exactly what my daughter did at work the other day. she was sick and one of the partners told her to "chin up and she would be ok" well she got up and threw up all over his desk ( she honestly couldnt help it.

Feel better soon

Peace & Love...Neasy

Man, if anyone's puking around me I'd gladly send them home.You have the right to go home. It is not your boss' decision. It is yours. And if he gives you trouble, then he is not accommodating your disability. Most people like that are bullies and you just have to stand your ground. Even worse case scenario and you lost that job, in the end you would be better off. I've had bosses of that sort and I have always found a better job. But usually they back down and look the fool.

Hope you feel better.
Gosh, I've even told my kids, if your pukin' then go to your room and make it to the bathroom.  I will see you when you done.  My daughter puked on a doctor that was trying to tell me that she was a fine healthy individual.  (she had a DOUBLE ear infection) Follow her example after you download ADA stuff and put it on his desk.  Yeesh...that's the kind of thing that makes people join labour unions.  Gotta love being in a union!!!  I know I love Danny being in one.  If the President of the USA can puke on the Prime Minister of Japan, all workers should be able to barf on their bosses once in their career, oops. true how true LOL. 

I think Grammaskittles is so right, barfing on BIL would be really appropriate at the moment, as would barfing on your boss who sounds like an ignorant dweeb. 