Bumps and Bruises but no flare | Arthritis Information


I woke up this morning feeling just how I would have felt without ra.  All beat up from falling off bike but my flair has subsided.  I can handle bumps and bruises much better than flair pain.  To add insult to injury, my little dog, Chico accidentally bit me last night, trying to bite my big dog, Tyler, because Tyler was bullying him.  I have a huge bruise from such a little dog!!!  Anyway, I plan on carrying on my day as if I do not have ra.  I like being my old self.  I am used to being beat up cuz I am such a klutz 

I'm so glad you're doing pretty well. 

Yep, I'm like a run away train with this type of thing.

Take it easy Rox, have a good day being your "old self" you said it first

Have a great day. 

Is there another site to get those from too??



now to try my hand at the animations...


It's me Oscar.  I wanted to try one too.


I like your unicorn

My knees and toes are stiff too!  I hope you feel better.



Glad you feel pretty good!

If it were me I would have just laid in bed all day ordering hubby around

Sorry about those bumps and bruises, Roxy, but you're right...it beats flare pain in a New York minute. 

Someone here suggested wearing wrist splint(s) to bed when wrist pain gets unbearable.  I cannot remember who it was but THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!  I felt infinitely better this morning because I wore a wrist splint on my rt (the worst one) wrist.  I may even splurge and buy another one.  What a great difference it made!  My wrist felt so much better.....

thanks again!!  Whoever it was!! 

Molly Bee



Sorry about the bumps and bruises Roxy....glad no flair though!  Man...I love all these cool graphics.

Groovy Graphics Girls....Way to go!!


Very cool Troll Karen

So excited for you to be getting a new baby kitty.  When will you be getting it?

We also have lots of pets, 2 dogs "yoshi" and "kui", a kitty "spencer", a russian tortoise "miss nibbs", an african grey parot "Henry". 2 bunnies "Eddie" and "Jo Jo",  and a dear little fishy "Crash". Oscar had a little rat named "giggles" she was so adorable, she died some months back.  I never thought I would want a rat, but she was so social and full of love, we miss her terribly.


Hey Could someone let me know how to do graphics!

Im Kinda slow so I wouldnt even know where to begin.

Hey Shawnie.  Go to www.smileland. and they will explain how to do it.  It is just copying and pasting in your post.  Do you know how to select, copy and paste?  It is in your edit bar.  Good luck.  It is great fun thanks to Lovie

Thank goodness Izzy is so accepting of the new one and isn't hissing at her. 

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