OT weather | Arthritis Information


Hey, I'm a Brit and the weather is never off topic here LOL

Nobody told me there was going to be a solar eclipse here today

I've got enough on my plate at the mo' without feeling like it's November with leaves.

Sorry to moan but this continued bad weather is really getting me down. Is anyone else affected like this by the weather?

Heck yeah. Justin's mom lives in Chattanooga, TN and this AM it was only 64. SIXTY FOUR??? IN JULY?!@?!? Ugh! And yeah, it's all cloudy and stuff. Blah! Torrential rain, high winds an hour ago, bright sunshine and hot now.....its madness.We were hit with very heavy storms here in Connecticut, with a couple of towns here actually hit with tornados yesterday.  But the sun is shining beautifully now, the humidity is lower and it looks like we have a gorgeous weekend coming!

We got that massive chuck down too Lisa, the sky was a really weird colour just before - it was like sitting inside a lucozade bottle

Apparantly there has been flooding, I don't know how bad. I'm glad to be living on a hill - not that I'm being smug It was 58 degrees in Milwaukee when I got up to take the doggie doodle out at 7am.  58 in freaking JULY!!!!!  I had to put on sweats...slippers...and a hoodie lol.  Only going to be 71 degrees here today.  A welcome relief after the past 3 days lemme tell ya. 

I am glad all the humidity is gone.  Funny...Danny and I were talking about the cool weather last night and predicting that we are gonna have a coooooold winter this year because our temps have really been below average this summer.  I don't think I have run my a/c more than 6 days in a row this summer.  And most of the time I have the a/c on during the day til the sun goes down (we get the west sun in the living room and we live on the 2nd floor ugh) and I can open windows at night. 

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