back question | Arthritis Information


Is degenerative disc disease the same as Spinal Stenosis or was the nurse taking my vicodin?? 

I had a full back x-rays done and they have referred me for PT, because I have "degenerative bone disease" (her words), but she said the doctor said it is not because of the arthritis???

I am more confused than ever, can someone help??

What do you mean about the nurse taking your vicodin?

Oh,,I get it.  Maybe I've been taking your vicodin too????Sorry, I am just frustrated with the world and I guess I am not that cohearant today.  I had to take hubby to the airport today, so he could go get his motorcycle that broke down in Spokane, WA.

Don't be sorry, I think I'm just a little brain dead today.  Didn't sleep much the last two nights.  How long will your husband be away?

I don't know anything about your q.  I just kept thinking, why is the nurse taking her vicodin away from her, and if her back is bad, she probably needs it.  Duh.

Degenerative disk disease (a breaking down of the disks) causes spinal stenosis (a squeezing of the spinal column because of lack of space). I think that was your question. It can be caused by OA, RA, injury, maybe other causes.


Now, I have done a little looking up, and is DDD like osteoarthritis?? 

Thank you, that was what I was looking for.  YOu cannot tell spinal Stenosis without an MRI, right??

All of this stuff is making me feel


I have DDD, bludging disk as well as RA in my back. I had a horrible time with my back for a long time. X-Rays at my RD's office showed the DDD and he said OA as well as Spinal Bifita Oculta (Which is actually a painless birth defect) and referred me to an orthopedic back specilist. He took one look at the x-rays and said "That's not OA it's RA. Let's do a MRI and take a closer look". After the results came back he said the same thing. I told him I didn't think RA affected your spine and he said I was living proof it does. Go figure. Either way I have a lot of back pain but my RA meds do help.

I do not think DDD is the same thing as spinal stenosis though. DDD is very common as people age; but I'm now 36. Not really considered older in doctors eyes but this disease has contributed to my back problems.

Post all you are learning about your back problems. It's of interest to us all.

See and I am 41, and the nurse said "this is not a part of the arthritis"  That is why I think she is on drugs.  I have had some disks that were compressed since I was 22.  That doesn't happen to YOUNG people without disease. 


It can happen to young people without a disease.  It can be caused my injury or over use, etc....some young athletes have it.
