Ah man... now my toe | Arthritis Information


I have intrinsic asthma caused by chemicals and the rarity that goes with it that causes inflammation throughout my body in the form of edema, so i have swelling in a finger, wrist, elbows (one is new), hip, knees, calves and right foot and now the left foot toe next to the big toe decides yesterday "let's join the fun, im going to flair too".

One of of these days i am going to become the stay puft marshmallow man.

ouch..the toes are the worst. dont you seem to stub them all the time when they are already hurting?
Yes, it seems that anything that is hurting gets bumped or pinched more!  Try putting your feet above your heart.  I do this when I sleep, it is the only way I can even make a dent in my swelling.  I have not slept in MY bed for a year, because I have to have my feet in the air.  I am sure it is bazzare looking, but who cares?

Oh man, now you scared me, I "am" a toe stubber, usually the pinkie toes but ..... ow lol.

Now I will be over protective, make armor for the toe etc. lol.

I didn't realize how much i bend my toes as a form of stretch, i keep hurting it. :)

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