Virus induced full body flare | Arthritis Information


I caught a nasty virus (respiratory, i.e. total laryngitis, couldn't breathe, coughed, all the nasty things).  Doc put me on a tetracycline drug as a precaution since I am on remicade and I ended up with a full body flare, only the second time I have ever had a full body flare.  I couldn't walk cuz I couldn't bear any weight on my feet, couldn't bend fingers, also had it in both shoulders, wrists and right jaw.  In other words, I was a mess!  Internist said maybe it was just aches and pains.  Rheumy however said that illness can set off a "sympathetic" flare.  SOME SYMPATHY!!!!!!!!!  

Things are better now but that was the longest 10 days of my life I think.  Anyone else had an experience like this?  My neighbor said everyone gets body aches when they have a virus.  She obviously doesn't have RA or she wouldn't call them "body aches"!  It is hard to fault other people who do not know our pain but sometimes I wish they would just shut up....  p.s.  she also told me I should force myself to do some exercises so I could 'work it out'.  Very funnnnny

aww sewez sorry to hear about you feeling bad :( Im glad your a little better now. I totally understand what its like when people just don't get it. I get told the same type of things all the time. I usually just nod and smile, while thinking that they have NO CLUE what its like to have RA. Good Luck and I hope you recooperate fully soon.

So sorry you have been so sick.10 days is a long time.Just tell your neighbor to kiss your behind.Glad you're feeling a bit better! Sometimes I wish I had a magic wand that I
could wave and bestow the RA onto the person who says things like that just
for a few moments. So they can feel the "body aches". It might give them
some perspective. But that's probably mean....

I just came down off of a horrible flare. Wasnt full body like yours but it almost got to that point. Doc put me back on predisone and that has calmed the pain down greatly. Glad your doing a little better, hope your back to 100% very soon. And tell your no it all neighbor next time to keep her comments to her self.

