Anybody besides me seems to be more clums | Arthritis Information



 I don't know if the Osteo or Fibro has a thing to do with this but I have noticed lately I have become so "accident prone". I am forever more cutting corners to close and keep bruises on my all ready sore shoulders.

  I have had a few bad scares lately too of tripping over little things in the floor. The dogs toys, the grandbabies diaper bag, blankets, you name it. I think I trip over patterns in the rug too, LOL, because carpet stoves(?) me up and if I didn't have something to catch to I could really hurt myself. Like running head first into a brick fireplaceI relate to all you have mentioned. Actually fell last year and broke my arm. That isn't the first fall I had experienced either that was probably number eight, all the other times I landed on my bottom, thank god but this time...ouch. I am only 39, I don't have old age as an excuse. i know exactly what you mean . i have a nasty steam burn on my thumb . from getting something out of the microwave . i know how dangerous steam is so you'd think i wouldnt be so clumsy but its either the pain , the fatigue , the medication or all of the above that makes us clumsy. to be on the safe side maybe we should all have cooks and cleaners to take care of us . lol.


   I'm with you Ally!!!   Well at least I'm glad to know it's not just me being  clumsyYep... goes on with me too...  However, when I do happen to hit the wall, I end up with horrible bruises.  I can just touch something very lightly and my hand or arm bruises like crazy.  I look at my arms and think I look like my 90 year old grandma used to look!  My grandaughter sees it and says  'you have oweee'?
Oh yeah.... owee!!  If I have blood drawn, I tell them not to put on a bandage because it will bruise me.
And, when I get out of the car, I feel so slow, like I am 90, and walk so gingerly so I don't fall.....  I'm afraid I will tumble down the stairs at home, alone, and no one will find me, except my cat!!
Yeah, me too.  I started having problems passing out papers in class, dropping things and I too started to walk like I was drunk!  I am glad so glad Moana said it first!  I felt that it was just me

It happens to me too. I am real clumsy and I stagger around like a drunk. I am always dropping things and doing stupid things. I have a bruise on my knee from a night bathroom trip. I also opened the bathroom door on top of my toe and tore off the toe nail. Ouch! Don't try that at home folks, believe me, it hurts. Now I leave the light on in the bathroom and the door cracked so I don't get another ouchy,owee, uuuee! LOL

oh yeah. I swear we've trippled our egg use in the past year because I drop so many. My hands are always brusied.. well so is everything else.  I have foot drag and I lurch around like a drunk.

I have taken a few nasty falls and  seem to breeak every nail every week. Its like I cant judge distance when I need to use my hands.

Yes!  I was born clummsy, so I am sure the genetic anomoly does not help.  I am more clummsy and have taken serious falls because of it.  I hate the stairs to the basement, it seems there is always someone at the top pushing me down.  Gosh!  I wish all the visitors would leave!